Her eyes narrowed and I added, “For the moment. I plan on staying true to my word. One night. That’s all I can offer. I also won’t push. You have to choose.”

Choose me.

She stared introspectively for a long moment, thinking.

“What can I get you?”

I wanted to pitch my glass at the bartender for choosing that exact moment to intrude. She looked at me then back to him before shaking her head softly. “Nothing, actually. I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to head out.”

Before he walked away, he glanced at me. I shook my head to confirm I too would be leaving soon. I was hopeful but that hope died moments later when she turned her eyes my way once more.

“I’m sorry but I have to decline. I’m flattered. I just don’t think a night with you is a good idea.”

I nodded, finished the rest of my drink and stood, leaving a hundred dollar bill under my glass on the bar before offering, “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

“You too.” She returned a smile and I stepped away. Before I could fully make my exit, I felt a hand on my arm. My eyes lowered to her delicate fingers then lifted to hers. The anxiousness in her expression held me in place.

“I uhh… I want to say yes.”

“Then say yes.”

“I can’t.”

Something flashed in her eyes. She was at war with the decision but I didn’t care about why. I had no plans of ever seeing this woman again. Whatever she was dealing with, I had no plans of further complicating her life.

“Can’t or won’t. You’ve already confirmed you want to spend the night with me.”

She smiled softly and lowered her face just a little. I gently placed a finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to meet mine. Waiting again, hopeful.

“I’m going to regret this but I’ll worry about the aftermath later. Where?”

Something in my chest loosened and my dick came to life.

“I’ll get us a room.”

I extended a hand, which she accepted, thus sealing our fate. She was mine and I was hers, for the evening. Once the sun came up, I would walk away to focus on making sense of what would come next in my life.



What am I doing?

This is insane.

I agreed to have a one-night stand with Ezekiel Omari.

The Ezekiel Omari.

He had no clue who I was but I surely knew who he was. How could I not? Their family was well-known and respected in Crescent Falls. My family didn’t register on a radar here.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t worthy because I damn sure was. Regardless of my pedigree, or lack thereof, I was very much worthy of any man whose attention I gained. I simply had the worst discernment when it came to choosing men. My current situation was proof.

Or I suppose it was my last situation since an hour before I’d landed next to Ezekiel I sent Dre’thon a text telling him I would not reconsider and I was sticking with my decision to move back home.

After the text delivered, I locked my phone and walked into an interview with Samiya Jones and hopefully impressed her enough to be offered the job as Project Liaison for the Black Women Bosses passion project to build up Crescent Ridge and Crescent Manor. They were building parks, community centers, and providing a plethora of resources for the families who lived in those areas.

I’d grown up in Crescent Manor so getting the job would be a passion project for me as well, though the salary would be a nice bonus. The position was temporary but offered me a new start. Leaving Dre’thon meant leaving the lifestyle he’d provided but I was looking forward to starting over. Money didn’t solve problems and that was his belief. He believed his money and lifestyle could excuse the fact that he was arrogant, entitled, and inconsiderate of my wants and needs.