Yet another thing I didn’t understand about the effect this woman had on me. I prided myself on my ability to separate business from my personal feelings. I didn’thavepersonal feelings about people I worked with but there was something between Jhorie and me, not just that one very memorable night we shared. Whatever this was extended beyond that.
“Yes, I agree. It’s getting late and I would like to be up early to visit more residents. I’m hoping to get their thoughts and input on their wish list for the community revitalization projects we’re working on.”
It wasn’t late. Barely eight but if I argued a pointIpresented, it wouldn’t do me much justice.
“It’s a little late to consider their wish list. Most of what is in motion has been planned for months.”
I caught the attention of a server and mouthed check. She offered a nod and when I turned to Jhorie again, she had that look on her face. The one that meant she was prepared to spar with me. A look I was growing fond of because it made my dick stand at attention each time we faced off.
“Based on what you feel is best?”
“Based on the research I’ve done, the town hall meetings…”
“How many people showed up for those town hall meetings?” She narrowed her eyes and I smirked. This Jhorie was the one I appreciated the most. The one who advocated for those she deemed worthy, ready to go to war with anyone who meant them harm. Even me, the man responsible for ensuring she maintained her current career. Not that she worked for me—I’d meant what I said about us being colleagues—but one phone call to Samiya would ultimately change the course of her duties with BWB. I would never pull rank but I could. I was sure she was aware of that small detail and still didn’t back down.
“Enough were in attendance to get a feel for their needs but I’m willing to admit most of what I have planned was from common knowledge of what the community lacks and not based on residents’ wish lists.”
The server approached with the check. I paid with cash, leaving a generous tip and pushing my chair back to stand. Jhorie was out of hers, following my lead.
“Whichis why I will be reaching out to the residents to get a feel for what they think will be beneficial.”
“Hmm…” I offered, stepping around the table, waiting for her to leave. She didn’t move, instead narrowing her eyes again.
“Hmm, what? You don’t agree?”
“I don’tdisagreebut again, most of what is planned has already been set in motion.”
“Says the guy who has been adamant about being the boss, in control, and having the final say.”
I smirked and nodded. She had a point. A very valid point, but she always did.
“Then who am I to deny you the opportunity to let the people speak.”
“No one.”
I chuckled. “Let me get you home. Sounds like you have a very busy day ahead of you tomorrow.”
I took Jhorie back to her apartment, walked her to the door, and waited until she was safely inside. It bothered me that she was living here unprotected but then again, I had no doubt in my mind that this woman could hold her own.
My mind drifted to earlier in the day when I’d walked up on her with the two teens who had planned on breaking into her place. If Jhorie was afraid at all, she didn’t expose one ounce of fear. I didn’t know whether to consider that naïveté or bravery. These kids didn’t have a conscience. She was lucky I’d shown up when I had or things could have gone terribly wrong.
The thought had me wanting to head back across town to demand she vacate her place for one much safer but Jhorie would have handed me my ass. However, there was something I could do—expedite the process of creating a safer environment not just for her but for all the residents of Crescent Manor. My work was important to me. This aspect of my life gave me the balance I so desperately needed and provided immediate resolution for many of the problems and challenges of my people.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. I was doing my part to build an empire.
When I arrived at our family estate and walked through the front door, I smiled upon seeing Cress coming down the stairs with baby Ava. Cress greeted me with a smile and my fussy niece greeted me with a cry that had me taking her from her mother’s arms as soon as she reached the last step.
“Hey, beautiful girl. What did your mother do to make you unhappy?” I kissed her forehead and Cress rolled her eyes when baby girl smiled up at me with a tear-stained face.
“She’s the one making me unhappy and it’s annoyingly frustrating that she’s screaming her head off for me but the minute she’s in you or Elias’s arms she’s all smiles.”
“She’s going to be a heartbreaker like her mother. Blame yourself.” I smiled at my niece then looked around. “Speaking of, where is your husband?”
“The gym. Treadmill.”
I frowned, knowing that was his safe space, and Cress’s expression softened. “He’s fine. Just needed to blow off some steam. My first performance back will be next Saturday.”
I chuckled, nodding with understanding. My brother was very possessive of his wife. He liked keeping her close. During the last few months of her pregnancy—and for the past six months—Cress had been home. Elias wasn’t dealing very well with the idea of her dancing and touring again. Dance had been Cress’s first love. Although he’d moved into that space, dance was still very important to his wife. He would never stand in the way of her happiness, no matter how much it pained him to share her with the world.