At that I walked away. Nothing else needed to be explained.



Seventy-two hours had passed since I’d been forced to suffer through a two-hour meeting with Ezekiel Omari. I hadn’t heard from him as promised but I had heard from Samiya who let me know Ezekiel was impressed by me.

The thought made my smile wider than it should have been but that didn’t mean I had changed my mind about crossing boundaries with that man. That very beautiful man who’d left me sexually frustrated for the past seventy-two hours.

Multiple times I’d attempted to relieve the sexual frustration to no avail. My hands, my toys, nothing worked. A quick release at best was all I got and those were weak. I even imagined his mouth and hands pleasing me, but my body wasn’t fooled. The results disappointed, which annoyed me to no end because I was very skilled at self-pleasure.

Before him, that is.

I groaned in annoyance and threw the cover back to climb out of bed. The cool tile floors sent a shock to my system as I crossed my tiny room and entered the ballroom. While I sat emptying my bladder, I glanced around the small space. It was clean, but old. The hardware on the sinks and bathtub hadn’t been replaced in years.

Although it wasn’t the original hardware, I would say it was at least ten years old. The walls were freshly painted but rugged from the chipped paint they’d covered with primer instead of sanding and smoothing the areas before slathering on a layer of fresh white paint.

I sighed, wiped, and flushed before heading to the sink to wash my hands so I could brush my teeth and start my skincare routine. I pulled a terry cloth headband from the drawer and yanked it over my head to push the loose strands of hair away from my face then proceeded to lather up with facial cleanser.

I let it sit on my skin and lined my toothbrush with toothpaste, shoving it in my mouth while I walked back to my room to get my phone. I carried it back to the bathroom with me, mindlessly swiping notification with my thumb while I brushed, spat, and rinsed.

After I finished and was about to wash the cleanser from my face, a call came through that had me frowning. The number was unsaved but showed as Maybe: Omari Corporation.


My finger hovered the screen, but I didn’t answer right away. I actually considered letting the call go to voicemail to see what he wanted. However, curiosity got the best of me and maybe, just maybe, I wanted to hear his voice so I answered.


“Good morning, is this Ms. Abraham?”

Okay not his voice.

“Yes, who’s calling.”

“This is Elizabeth, Mr. Omari’s assistant. He asked me to reach out to see if you were available to meet him this morning.”

“Sorry, unfortunately not. I’m busy this morning.”

“Oh, I see. When will you have availability to meet with him?”

“Not sure. Tell your boss I’ll get back to him.”

“Are you sure?”

She stuttered, not believing I wasn’t making myself available to him. I guessed that was rare. People likely dropped their entire lives to be at his beck and call. Not me. Yes I was being petty because he’d had his assistant call instead of doing the honors himself.

He didn’t owe me anything but still…

“Very. Thanks for reaching out. Have a great day.”

I ended the call then cringed. This was my job. Samiya had made it very clear myjobwas working hand-in-hand with Ezekiel. She didn’t, however, say that I had to be at his complete disposal. There were tasks I could work out without him so that was what I would be doing today.

I proceeded to wash my face then dressed casually for the day in leggings, a sweatshirt, and a pair of comfy Nike running shoes. I made a bagel for breakfast, with cream cheese and everything seasoning sprinkled on top and a glass of OJ. I ate while scrolling social media. Once I was done, I gathered up the clipboards and surveys I planned on taking around the neighborhood.

We used them to find out what was on the community’s wish list. Samiya said the return rate was low. That was due to most residents feeling that filling them out was a waste of time. They would never get the things on their wish list. I planned to be the go between to convince themthis timewould be different.

By three I was exhausted, somewhat frustrated, and my feet hurt. Most of the residents were resistant, some were flat out unwelcoming, and a handful were grateful I cared so much but still lacked optimism. I decided to give it a rest and spend the remainder of my day going over the proposals Samiya had forwarded for my review. The ones Ezekiel had sent to her prior to me taking over.