“Oh fuck, Ez. Don’t sleep with her.”

I barked a laugh. “How did we land here?”

“You’re not so discreetly inquiring about her personal life. You’re concerned with her living at The Manor. Jhorie is very beautiful and equally smart. I know your type and she’s it, Ez. You were faithful to your wife but she was never your type. You like smart, challenging women who push your limits. I’ve seen you verbally sparring with enough to know what intrigues you.”

“I’m a little concerned you think you know me that well.”

“Men are easy to read. Even men like you who think they are mysterious and elusive, Ez.”

She had been right about my type. I loved smart women who were confident and didn’t cower under the pressure of a powerful man but…

“I have to work very closely with her, Sami. It’s crucial to the success of our business relationship to know if she’s in the middle of anything complicated. I have no plans of sleeping with her.”

I already have and know going there again would be a huge mistake.

“Are you sure?”


“I don’t know much but there’s something. She recently moved back here after years of being away. There was a mention of leaving an ex but she’s determined to rebuild a life here. I like her, you need her, so don’t sleep with Jhorie, Ez. I mean it.”

I vaguely knew about the separation from her ex.

“You think very little of me.”

“I think you’re a very sexy, recently divorced man who checked out of his marriage years before you officially walked away. That tends to affect common sense. I like you too and consider you a great friend, but I have to think logically about this.”

“Understood. I’ll keep all of the above in mind.”

“Please do.”

“I give you my word, Sami. I too value our friendship.”

After I ended the call I tried my best to refocus on what I had going on for the rest of the day. I had a meeting with Christian later that I wasn’t looking forward to, but for now I had more important things to deal with. I found it incredibly hard to focus considering Jhorie’s perfume still lingered in my office which meant my dick was still hard with thoughts of her.

* * *

I sat in a corner at Chapter House watching the woman on stage. Her body was nice and her moves were tempting but my mind was too congested to completely focus on her. The email I’d received from my ex-wife's lawyers, challenging my ownership of what used to be her family’s legacy, pissed me the fuck off.

It would be wise of her family to let this go but they refused. I had been more than generous. Even after their daughter openly disrespected our marriage, I allowed grace. I never broke my vows even when I had the right. Now that she was officially married to the love of her life, her father thought he could use their money and influence to force my hand. The idea was laughable but still fucking annoying.

“You’re late,” I uttered when I noticed Christian in my periphery. He took a seat next to me and unfastened his suit jacket.

“Meeting ran late.”

“My time is valuable.” I shifted my eyes to him and he glared back.

“So the fuck is mine, Ezekiel. I apologize. It couldn’t be helped.”

I fully took him in, noticing the stress in his expression was more prominent than usual. Given the target on his back I understood why but his problems had become my problems which meant I didn’t fucking care if he was stressed. I cared about finding a solution to the situation he’d recently found himself in.

“Care to tell me why you’re trafficking women when you promised us you were not?”

His eyes narrowed. “I’m not trafficking women, Ez.”

“Then care to tell me what the fuck you did that made someone use your name so others would believe you are?”

“You don’t think if I knew the answer to that question, you and I wouldn’t be here right now? I would have it handled.”