“It did but we have to eat.”

“I ate…” He grinned and lowered his eyes. “How about we skip the cereal and I’ll take you somewhere nice to feed you.”

“Or you could just eat this and we can stay in…” I reached for the bowl and attempted to guide it back to him but he pushed it away once more.

“Real food. At a restaurant. Now let's go.”

He tapped my thigh and I rolled my eyes but grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to me before he could create distance between us.

“What’s up?”

“I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Do I need a lawyer?” he teased and I grinned slowly.

“Maybe. I still don’t have keys to island homes or the jet yet.”

Ezekiel chuckled. “I’ll put you in touch with my guy. He’ll work that out for you.”

I narrowed my stare on him. “Your guy?”

“Yeah. I have a few, which now meanswehave a few.”

“We’ll travel down that road another day. Right now I want to talk about myself.”

After a meeting with Zoree and Samiya, who’d both sung my praises, we’d discussed how the initiative was a temporary project. Once the revitalization was done, there would only be minimal involvement to ensure the changes were managed. That would go through the city. I had to decide what was next for me.

“I’m listening.”

“My position with BWB is temporary…” I watched his reaction carefully and he only nodded, giving me space to continue. “I was thinking about what I want to do after we’re done.”

“Did you come up with anything?”

“The city has contracts with community development…”

“You don’t need to work for the city, Jhorie.” His words and tone were measured, which I expected. This man would give me the world or create one for me if that was what I desired.

“I know and I’m not proposing that. I was thinking a little more outside the box.”


“I want to workwiththe city, but not for them. They’re restricted to the budgets put in place. There’s only so much they can accomplish. I’m not limited. I have a wealth of ideas and a wealth of finances to implement those ideas.”

He studied me introspectively for a long moment, processing before he spoke. “By finances I assume you mean ours?”

I shrugged. “You have a lot of money that’s just sitting there. Might as well put it to good use.”

“Wehave a lot of money and the majority of it is not just sitting in accounts. It’s distributed between investment, stocks, bonds, and other businesses.Ourmoney makes money.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “But I get your point and I’m agreeable to whatever you decide. I will also help you navigate the startup of your business…” His eyes leveled with mine again. “Because I assume that’s what this is. You’re pitching a business idea, correct?”

“I am.”

“Then whatever you need is done. I’ll help or stay out of the way. You let me know.”

I uncrossed my legs, looping my arms around his neck, inching closer to the edge.

“Thank you and I want your help. You’re a part of everything I do. That’s how we work, remember?”

“I do remember, but I also made a promise that I’ll follow your lead with certain aspects of your life. I’m keeping my word because I also made a promise to do whatever necessary to keep my wife happy.”