“I need to speak with him about Elias,” she said softly with firmness.

“I know I’m new here and I don’t fully understand the dynamic of the relationships in this house, or the ones that exist outside of it, but I do know him. Your job is to protect and defend your husband and my job is to protect and defend mine.”

Cress smiled smugly. “I wasn’t aware that he was your husband.”

“He will be soon.” I held up my hand and her eyes found the ring, lifted to my face, then moved over to my side, where I felt Ezekiel’s presence.

“Engaged. Good for you two. Congratulations.” A genuine smile bloomed, brightening her expression.

“Thank you.”

She smiled wider. “But you don’t have to defend Ezekiel from me now nor will you ever.”

Before I could argue the point, he spoke up.

“Where is he?”

“With our children.”

I watched his face tense and she narrowed her eyes. “He’s fine and if he wasn’t he would never do anything to them. Our children anchor him. You know that.”

Ezekiel relaxed and she continued. “I wanted to call Shore, but he asked me not to. He said he’s fine.”

“You believe him?”

“I do. He asked me to come check on you.” She huffed. “But he’s not ready to talk yet. Let him come to you, please.”

“I can do that.”

“Thank you.” This time she was the one who relaxed. “She’s only relevant if you allow her to be, Ez. You need to make sure she isn’t.”

His mother.

Cress placed a hand on his arm and stepped away to leave but not before moving to me and pulling me into a tight hug. “Seriously, congratulations. I can’t say I’m surprised. I saw this coming.” Her smile and eyes were expressive. “And you just proved that you deserve him.”

“I deserve her, Cress,” Ezekiel said from behind his sister-in-law. Her smile stretched wider as she glanced over her shoulder.

“You sure do.” She winked at me. “Welcome to the family, Jhorie.”

After she was gone, Ezekiel stepped to me. His chin dipped and a smile graced his face but he didn’t speak.


“Were you going to fight Cress for me?”


He grinned. “Defending your husband?”

“It’s happening, right?”

“It damn sure is.” His voice dropped low and his palm met the back of my neck. His fingers spread as he lowered his face to mine. “Very fucking soon, I hope.”

His mouth was on me again before I had a chance to agree or disagree but I had a feeling he already knew my answer.

