“And what makes you think they won’t force your hand?” I asked.

“I threatened to sever ties. You know as well as I do how much work it dumps on them to replace a family and the money only goes so far. Loyalty is far more important and they have that with me. Trusting someone with your deepest darkest secrets is not a risk they’re likely willing to take. If those secrets fall in the wrong hands, it could cause problems. They played their cards and I played mine.”

“That’s a ballsy move, Devereaux. Didn’t think you had that in you.”

“You don’t know shit about me…” He glared at Elias who only smirked and shrugged.

“I know enough.”

“Divorce your wife and move on with whatever the fuck you need to.” I adjusted my suit jacket and headed to the door. After Elias stepped out I paused and turned to Christian. “My marriage was not the same as yours but I do understand wanting to make the best of a fucked situation. Life is too short to settle. Consider that.”

“I have,” Christian murmured, then leered at me. “Omari, if you ever put your fucking hands on me again, you will regret it.”

I smirked and nodded. “I’ll take that under advisement.”

I respected Christian and had he been anyone else, I wouldn’t have brushed off the threat. He had the right. I’d punched the shit out of him. However, neither of us would back down from a real challenge which was a dangerous game to play. Two very powerful men with large egos always were.

“You leaving this shit in that office with him?” Elias asked as he fell in step with me after I left Christian’s office.

“Yeah why?”

“Just curious. Cress mentioned their marriage was fucked up but I damn sure didn’t see this coming.”

“What’s their deal?”

“She had different expectations for what their marriage would look like. Aja thought marrying Christian would give her freedom. She didn’t want kids and did whatever necessary to ensure she didn’t have any.”

I scowled at my brother with silent questions and he nodded confirmation. “Damn, that bad?”

“From what little I know, yes.”

“He should have just divorced her.”

“Sometimes it’s not that easy.” Elias glanced at me. “Sasha is the last person you would have wanted kids with but what would your reaction have been if she had gone that far and denied you the opportunity of a family?” The wave of rage that flooded my system must have shown on my face. “Exactly. Would you have been okay with letting her walk away to live her happy life knowing she ruined yours?”

My thoughts drifted to Sasha. I had no proof she hadn’t deceived me in that way. There was a time I considered she might have been pregnant but we never discussed the possibility. I never asked then and didn’t want to know now. I couldn’t guarantee what my reaction would be.

“Staying with Sasha wasn’t about making her miserable. It was my way of making sure I sent a clear message that disrespecting me came with a very expensive price tag. Actions have consequences.”

Elias paused at my car. His expression was tight but his posture was relaxed. “You sound like him.”

“Because I am him in a lot of ways but we both know the most important ways that I’m not.”

I love and respect my family with no preexisting conditions. Especially ones that were impossible to live up to.

With a toss of his chin, Elias acknowledged the truth in my statement and got in the car. I wasn’t a perfect man but I would never be as fucked up as our father had been to all of us.

* * *

As I pulled into a space near construction bins damn near filled to capacity, I glanced at the signage on several of the pickup trucks scattered across the west lot.

Mission Builders.

“Call Drew Copeland,” I rattled off, leaning back against my seat. He picked up seconds later.

“Figured you’d be calling.”

“I see you decided to fulfill your end of the contract.”