“You’re not going back to that apartment, Jhorie.”

“That apartment?” The air tensed with her agitation. Although I understood why, I didn’t care. “It’smyapartment, where I live. Is that a problem?”

“It’s always been a problem, but it poses more of a concern for me now given the decision we’ve made about how we’re moving forward.”

“How we’re moving forward,” she noted. “That sounds very formal.”

“It’s somewhat formal. We have an agreement about what we’re doing and the agreement means I am now accountable for your wellbeing. You cannot stay in that apartment. It’s not practical nor is it conducive to my lifestyle.”

Her eyes widened and her temper flared. I had no intention of getting into a shouting match with the woman whose pussy I could still taste on my tongue so I cut things off before they could escalate.

“This is not about money, Jhorie…”

“It sounds like it is.”

“In a loose sense, yes. Every fucking thing is about money but right now, this is about you and me.”

“What about us?”

“The past couple of days have painted a very clear picture of what role you play in my life which is why I’m saying you cannot continue to live in Crescent Manor. It’s not about money or appearances. I don’t give a damn what others think about your lifestyle or mine. What I do care about is whether or not people have access to you.”

“And by people you mean those who want to do me harm.”


“You’re not a criminal, Ezekiel.”

“Would it matter to you if I was?”

“Obviously not. You know who my ex is and what he did. I’m asking if that’s who you are?”

The agitation in her tone had a cocky grin spreading across my face. “He works for people who eat because I allow them to. We are not the same.”

“What I’m asking is if you’re into the same things. I didn’t assume you were.”

“I’m not but criminals are defined by different lanes. Some might consider me one.”

“Do you consider yourself a criminal?”

“Again, would it matter?”

“No, but I would like to know what I’m dealing with. I don’t know that side of you. I don’t really know you at all.”

My gaze roamed her face then flickered to her lips. “You know me very well.”

“Physically, yes. I’m very familiar with your body but your life and all the moving pieces are foreign to me. You had men with guns last night.”

“The president has a security detail, what’s your point?”

Her eyes flashed with a warning. “Are you comparing yourself to the highest elected official in the country?”

“In my world we are comparable but navigate in two very different lanes,” I said with a smirk which I knew would piss her off.


Okay this wasn’t going as planned. Again, I didn’t want to fight.

“Come here…”