My pulse raced with nervous energy until I located Cress coming through a door flanked by two very large men. They wore suits and moved with confident strides while she glided between them. Eventually they paused and she was swept into the arms of Elias who lifted her from the floor and whispered something in her ear that had her blushing and all smiles before he kissed her in a way that felt as if I shouldn’t have been watching.

“Come on.” Ezekiel’s voice sounded from beside me, drawing my eyes up to his.

“We’re leaving?”

“No, but we’ll meet her in the dressing room. Elias will bring her.”

“She has security?”

“His insistence. He’s protective and there’s no secure way to control the access back here.”

I considered who she was, who their family was, and it made sense her husband would want her protected.

“Oh, right.”

Inside the dressing room I sat on a sofa with Ezekiel on the arm beside me. I glanced around the space, noticing the massive boutique of flowers in the corner. The display was as large as a toddler, beautiful and most definitely rare.

“Who sent those?”

“Elias. That’s their thing. He sent something similar to Cress the first night he saw her dance and now he makes sure she has them every performance. Only his are allowed in her dressing room.” He smirked and I grinned at how protective Elias truly was.

“He loves her.”

“They love each other.” Ezekiel’s eyes were on me and that tension was back heavy and thick between us, but Cress and her husband walked in the room seconds later. Ezekiel stood and pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek.

“You killed that shit.”

“You’re biased.”

“Nah, he’s not. You really did that shit, baby.” Elias watched with a warm look of admiration in his eyes and it tugged at my heart.

“Thank you.” Cress grinned at both of them then her eyes flitted to the corner. Her smile expanded when she noticed the flowers. She pulled away from Ezekiel, drifted to her husband, and pecked his lips. “They’re beautiful.”

“You’re perfect.”

“You’re biased, now why don’t you two go get a drink or something.”

I lifted and Cress’s hand caught mine, giving a gentle squeeze. “Them, notyou.”

She smiled softly and my heart hammered in my chest.

“We have a flight to catch…” Ezekiel tried and she narrowed her eyes his way.

“Then wait outside. We won’t be long. I just want to speak to her alone.”

“Cress…” he warned and Elias chuckled, shoving his brother toward the door. “Don’t waste your breath. This is what she wants so it's what she’s getting.”

After they were out of her dressing room, she pulled me into a hug. “We officially meet and that dress! Girl, it’s everything. You are wearing the hell out of it.”

I relaxed. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure what I should wear. This is my first time seeing a ballet.”

“You nailed it.”

“And so did you. Well not nailed it but owned it. Your performance was perfection.”

“Thank you.” Her hand went to her stomach. “First time back after having my daughter. It feels different this time. I had to work so much harder this time to get back in shape and I still don’t feel like I’m there.”

“I certainly can’t tell. You were so good.”