I moved my mouse and narrowed my eyes on the screen while she stood in the doorway.

“You can leave now.”

“Yes, sir.”

As I clicked on the email my eyes narrowed and anger flooding my veins. What the fuck was this? I scanned the email, focusing on the specifics.

After careful consideration, Mission has decided it is in our best interest to no longer work with Omari Corporation. We apologize for any inconvenience. We elect to pass on current and all future projects.

I bypassed the landline and lifted my cell phone to call Drew Copeland, owner and CEO of Mission Builders. I was surprised he answered after having pulled a cowardly move and ignoring my first two calls as well as the ones from Elizabeth.

“Omari…” he stated hesitantly.

“What the fuck is going on, Drew?”

“I don’t know but I’m sure you do. I got a call last week that working with you would not be in my best interest.”

“A call from who?”

“I can’t…”

“Who the fuck called you, Drew?” I growled. “Whoever it was has pull but I have more. Do you want to risk further pissing me off? You’ve already crossed a line.”

“Shit, Omari. I’m not trying to be in the middle of this. I have a family and thousands of employees with families that depend on the contracts we get. You have to understand.”

“I don’t have to understand a damn thing but good business. We had a deal, a signed contract, and I will sue the shit out of you and your company if you don’t tell me who demanded you sever ties with me.”

The line was deadly silent. I already knew who reached out. Mission Builders had locations all across the United States but was based on the West Coast. The governor whose granddaughter had gone missing was from California. The family representation out west was not a fan of mine. This was the work of Adrian McCants. He wanted me to make a call on the situation with Christian but fucking with my business was the wrong way to get results.

“Drew…” I growled and he gave in.

“Someone from Adrian McCants’s office. Didn’t give a name but made it very clear I needed to pull back. Now can you leave me out of this shit?”

He was a man protecting his family’s legacy which I could respect even if I didn’t like that it affected my ability to do business.

“Your contract will be paid in full under one condition?”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“No, I don’t but I’m a better man than you. I could sue Mission and destroy your business.”

“What do you need?”

“Don’t tell McCants you spoke with me. I’ll plan a visit but don’t need him expecting me.”

“Not a problem. I don’t want to talk to you, him, or anyone else connected to this shit. The politics behind it are too much. I just want to do good work.”

“The politics behind this shit are what have allowed you to feed your family for the past ten years, Drew. While I do respect your position, do not take my kindness for granted. The only reason I’m allowing you a pass is because I know your hands are tied. Don’t make me change my mind. I assure you; this is a fight you won’t win.”

I ended the call and drummed my fingers on the desk before calling Elizabeth. “Yes, sir?”

“Schedule my jet for a flight out tomorrow evening.”

“You might want to change that to Sunday unless you plan on pissing off my wife.” My brother strode into my office with a frown on his face, taking a seat in front of my desk.

“Going where, sir?” Elizabeth asked.

“Los Angeles and request an eleven thirty p.m. departure time. I also need you to book the two bedroom suite at the Santa Monica Proper.”