His tone had me reminding him this was his mess, not mine.

“I’m not the problem, Devereaux.”

“Didn’t say you were.”

“Then you might want to simmer the hostility. I’m here to help. Like it or not, the decisions we each make directly affect each other’s loved ones. This is about Cress, Elias, their children, and Jona.”

“You don’t think I know that shit too?” he sneered. “I didn’t have anything to do with that governor’s granddaughter being taken. I ended all the stuff my father had his hands in years ago. I have not lied to you.”

I believed him but my vote didn’t count.

“Someone wants people to believe you’re still in the middle of that shit. Why? Who did you piss off?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then we need to figure this shit out. The Collective is demanding I tell them where I stand…”

“And where do you stand, Ezekiel?”

“I stand on whatever side ensures no one in my family is touched by bad choices. If that means opposite you, then so be it. Also, please be clear, I don’t give a fuck what The Collectivedemands. I’ll do whatever I want but I will not put my family in the line of fire.”

“We have the same family.”

I smirked. “We don’t. Cress is an Omari. Her children are Omari. They come before you, Devereaux. Their happiness is the priority and if anything unfavorable happens to you, my brother and I will be there for them. Jona as well if need be.”

He sneered. “Sounds like you’ve made your decision?”

“If you’re at fault, yes. If you're not and we can’t find a way to clear your name, then yes to that as well. I won't compromise their wellbeing for yours. My loyalty is to those who deserve it. Those who have earned my loyalty. They have, you have not.”

“I see we’re back to where we started.”

I shook my head. “No, we’re not. If that were the case, I would simply fucking kill you myself to eliminate the risk. I respect you, Christian. I like you most days. I want you to clear your name and I will help but I also need you to understand that if I have to choose, it will not be you.”

We stared at each other for a long moment and he nodded stiffly. “Can’t say I blame you or that my decision would be any different if the tables were turned.”

“I’m glad you understand. Now, where do we need to start? Do you have any idea how your name got attached to the governor’s granddaughter?”

“Not a fucking clue. This shit is about my father, I’m sure. I just need to figure out how and why so I can detach.”

“You do but it's notjustabout him. They used your name, not his. You’ve been standing in his place for years.”

“Yeah…” He brushed a hand down his face and stared at the stage, likely needing a moment to process his thoughts.

After a few minutes he shook his head. “I can’t believe my sister danced here all those years and I didn’t fucking know.”

“I can. You’re trafficking women anddon’tknow. Seems to me like you’re not very connected to or observant with what’s going on in your life.”

He glared my way but I kept my eyes on the stage and smirked. “Am I wrong?”

He didn’t respond. Only flagged down a server and ordered a drink, after which he turned to me. “You want one?”

“No, I’m heading out. Just wanted to touch base with you to let you know where I stand.” I lifted, adjusting my jacket. “It’s late. I need to get home.”

He nodded again, brushing a hand down his face. “I’m not that fucking twisted, Ez. I know the history. I also know what people think of my father and the things he’s done. I’ve been trying my best to be a better man than he was. Something you should understand.”

I did.

“It’s hard to escape the sins of our past, not impossible but also not easy. This one will destroy you if you don’t get a handle on things. I will do what I can. I meant what I said, Devereaux. I like you. Wearefamily in a sense, but no one I love will be touched by this.”