“None taken.” I lifted my chin and stared at her for a long moment, processing her words. The one thing that stood out most was her living in Crescent Manor. I was curious about why and more curious abouther. I tabled that curiosity for the moment and focused on her very valid points.

“I’m not those men. If I give my word, then you and anyone else can rest assured I will deliver.”


“Not maybe, that’s a guarantee, Ms. Abraham.”

“Okay for argument’s sake, even if you intend to deliver, how are the residents supposed to believe you given the history? You have to see things from their perspectives and their perspectives are skewed by being let down for decades. Being used as photo ops only to be disappointed after they smiled for the cameras for politicians, corporations, andmenlike youdoes not create a positive outlook.”

Well fuck. Again, she had a point. One I didn’t like or appreciate because I wasn’t like those who came before me. My father was in that number but I wouldn’t argue that point because he had done exactly what she’d mentioned. Made promises he didn’t deliver on.

“I’ll renegotiate some terms and move up the renovations of existing properties. Will that suffice?”

Her eyes went wide then focused on mine. “You will?”

I nodded.

“You can do that, just tell them to switch things up?”

I smirked. “I can because as you mentioned, my privilege is very different from yours. I have the means and the pull. These are my companies. I have benefactors, investors, and people who are working with me. However, the final decisions are mine.”

“Yours…” she said quietly as if the thought of who I was and what I was capable of just hit.

“Yes, mine.”

“Perfect, then you’re my guy…”Careful of what you wish for, Ms. Abraham.“Let me toss out that next time we meet, I’d like to discuss affordable healthcare. It also has to be a priority.”

Let’s just dive right into the demands then.

I chuckled. “I think we’ve got a good start. Give me a couple days to move some things around and I’ll be in touch. I’d like to get together to take a look at the plans then visit the Crescent Ridge and Crescent Manor areas together.”

“Sure, that works. It will give me time to discuss expectations with Samiya.”

“Expectations?” I asked, narrowing my stare.

“Yes, for the job. I don’t have a contract yet. We were having lunch to celebrate my new position, you called, and she asked if I would mind meeting with you. It might help if I have a full grasp on what I’ll be doing.”

I know what you’ll be doing.

“Ahh, I see. Well I can tell you the job is working hand-in-hand with me. Samiya and I partnered but she’s very busy. Most of the work is through me. My company and my investors. She will have individual projects in the community but the bulk of what’s happening is at my hand. Which means you and I will be spending a lot of time together. Will that be a problem?”

“No, but aren’t you busy running the world? Do you have time to invest in projects such as revitalizing the hood?”

I smirked. “That’s the second time you’ve offended me, Ms. Abraham. I’m wealthy and my family is a pillar in Crescent Falls but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand the struggle of those who are less fortunate. Their struggles are a passion of mine as well. Part of me saving the world is so people,ourpeople, have a solid footing and voice in the world. No matter their economic status.”

Her expression shifted. She felt bad. That wasn’t my intent. I only wanted clarity on who I was. “I apologize for judging…”

“Misjudgingand apology accepted. How about we start over with an understanding that we both want the same thing?”

“I can do that.”

“So can I.” I stood, made my way around my desk, and extended a hand to Jhorie. She hesitantly accepted, like touching me would be her downfall. It might possibly be both mine and hers because I knew how pleasurable touching her could be, but I was determined to make this work. I had a lot on my plate and being distracted by Jhorie outside of business, no matter how tempting the distraction, wasn’t a good idea.

Jhorie was passionate about the things I believed in. She was brilliant and a perfect fit for the initiatives I had in place. I needed her on those projects. So when she stood and accepted my hand, and I felt the reminder of how soft her body was, I pushed those thoughts away and shook firmly.

“I’m looking forward to working with you, Ms. Abraham.”
