“Good because you being you is what got us here. I don’t wantyouto change. Not even when you’re being stubborn as hell and challenging everything I say and do.”

“I don’t…” He narrowed his eyes and I smiled. “Okay maybe a little.”

“I embrace the challenge so don’t change that either. Now get some rest. We both had a very long day.”

There was no need to tell me twice. I snuggled in closer and without much effort, I was asleep within minutes of closing my eyes.


The next morning, I woke up to Ezekiel still in bed with me. We slept in late, had breakfast, then got dressed for the day since he had a full afternoon. I had a meeting with Zoree Kincaid, VP of BWB. I hadn’t seen her since my initial interview. She was wrapped up in a lot of business meetings for Black Ops Specialties, requiring travel for expansion. She’d reached out and invited me to her office to get caught up between her next big meetings out of town.

“What’s on our agenda for today?” Ezekiel kissed the top of my head as I sat on the side of the bed swiping through emails.

“Lunch with Zoree then I’ll probably come back here and go through the applicants we have for the rec center. We need to lock down the management team and we can worry about the rest as we get closer to opening.”

“That sounds like a good idea. I have a meeting with the transportation department today so they can tell me their decision about the additional route I requested.”

I lifted my eyes to find his waiting as he adjusted his suit jacket. “You already know their decision. They won’t tell you no.”

He smiled sinfully slow. “They might, but if they do, I’ll do whatever necessary to get what I need.”

“I’m sure you will.”

My eyes lowered to my phone where I had an incoming call from Malin. It had been a little over a month since I’d seen her in LA. We hadn’t talked other than a few comments here and there over social media.

“Hey, Mal.”

“Hey, are you okay?”

I frowned. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

I felt Ezekiel staring so I lifted my eyes to him. He watched me with an unreadable look on his face.

“Jessup just left with Dre. Girl, his face is all fucked up. Somebody beat the shit out of him.”

“Jessup?” I frowned harder.

“No, Dre. Whatever happened took place in Crescent Falls. Did you see him?”

That explained the unreadable look from Ezekiel.

“He was here?”

“Yeah, supposedly to talk to you. You didn’t see him?”


“Well, your man did and it wasn’t a friendly meeting. Dre was mad as hell but when Jessup asked him what he wanted to do about it, he said wasn’t doing shit and to leave it alone. Said he was over the situation and you. Who the fuck is that man, Jhor?”

“An Omari,” I said with my eyes locked on Ezekiel’s. His expression was stern and unreadable once again.

“I don’t know what that means but whoever your new man is, has Dre moving accordingly. He was scared as shit but trying to act like being done with you was his decision and had nothing to do with how messed up his face is.”

“The reason doesn’t matter as long as he knows to leave me the hell alone.”

“But you’re good though?” she asked with sincerity.

“I’m better than good, Mal, but I have to go. I’ll call you soon, okay? And don’t tell Jessup or Dre that you called. Just leave it alone, alright?”