
I waited in the suite for half an hour before the door opened and Dre’thon Smith stumbled through it with a woman I had never met. Kyon had set everything up for me when I reached out needing a favor.

I’d received notification of Dre’thon being on a flight landing in Crescent Falls just after lunch then notified that he’d checked into the Metropolitan so I began making plans. Kyon’s guys had been following his every move to ensure my plans came together.

Had he made Jhorie his first priority I would have been able to end this sooner but apparently he was stupid and wanted to play. His intent should have been winning back the woman he would never fucking touch again. His efforts would have been in vain but he should have at least put them in.

At present, he was too busy trying to fuck a woman who wasn’t going. He’d spent the majority of the evening tricking his money on her. When I spoke it startled him. He hadn’t realized they weren’t alone.

“Sit the fuck down.”

He turned his attention to me as I stood from the sofa and walked toward the two of them.

“Why are you in my suite?”

“Because you’re in my city.” I tilted my head. “Without permission.”

“You don’t own this fucking city.”

“No I don’t but enough of it belongs to me to make that point. You don’t have my permission to be here. Sit the fuck down.”

“And if I don’t?”

I moved stealthily with quickness, punching him dead center of his face. I was certain I’d crushed bones in his nose. Based on the way he screamed like a bitch? I would be correct.


He reached for his gun but it wasn’t there. The woman had it.Careless and stupid. “It’s not there. You shouldn’t be comfortable enough to drink as much as you did in a place where you’re not familiar with the politics or the people.”

She opened her purse and walked his gun over to me. His eyes narrowed and I pointed to the sofa. This time he sat.

“If you’re gonna shoot me over her, then fucking do it.”

I exhaled my frustration. I hated false bravado. “I don’t need to kill you to get my point across. However, before you leave you will thoroughly understand what a grave error in judgment you made coming here. Jhorie is no longer a concern of yours.”

“I don’t want her.”

“Yet here you are.”

“How the fuck did you know I was here?”

“I make it my business to know everything affecting the people I care about. Your flight landed just after one today. You checked into this suite just after four. She sat down next to you at the bar just after fiveandyou will be on a flight back to LA in the next few hours but that’s my decision not yours.”

“And if I decide I’m not leaving?”

“Then you die and I bring that fight to your family. You have people you love even if Jhorie was never one of them. Think about them, be smarter with their care than you were with hers.”

“Why the fuck you gotta bring them into to this?”

“I’m not, you are,ifyou don’t get your ass on the plane and move on with your life.”

“Man, fuck this shit. You’re insane.”

“Glad we are on the same page.” I turned to her. “Let them in.”

She stalked to the door and three of Kyon’s guys walked in. Only one spoke, he had been at the club the night Kyon needed me to pull up. “We good?”

“I am. He won’t be when you’re done with him, I assume.”