“We already did. You just tossed the proof all over my office.” I walked to the pile of papers while she stood there seething. After I lifted the check, I extended it to her. A check for one dollar. One single fucking dollar because that was about all she was worth.

“Here, take it.”

“I’m not taking that shit. I want my properties back.”

“Not happening. This is all you get.”

“You son of a bitch…” She lifted her hand to swing at me but I caught her wrist, yanked her arm down, and pulled her to me.

“You. Are. Done. You no longer have a place in our lives, our pockets, or our care.” When I shoved her back, she stumbled and glared at me.

“Those properties are mine, that money is mine,” she screamed but was intelligent enough not to put her hands on me again.

“They’re ours. Everything you had access to was owned by Omari Corporation. He graciously allowed you to keep what didn’t belong to you for far too long. Unlike me, Ezekiel cared enough to do right by your spiteful, ungrateful ass.”

“Not anymore.” I smirked and leaned against my desk, my composure collected. “Get the fuck out.”

Her face went blank but only for a split second, then terror took over. Reality settled in. She was royally fucked. Her brows knitted and forehead creased as her eyes darted between Elias and me.

“What am I supposed to do? How will I live? You can’t be serious. Are you really going to be this heartless all because of him…” She pointed at Elias who smirked and shook his head.

“I’m thesonof abitch, so yes, I am. We both are. You have your credit cards, although they’re near their limits, and what little money you have left in your accounts. I suggest you figure out how to acclimate yourself to the working world because you will not get another dime from this family.Ourfamily.”

“You can’t do this. I will sue the shit out of you.”

“By all means, please try. We have the time and money to fight whatever bullshit ass claim you think you might have, but I assure you, everything I did is legally binding. If you want to fuck someone over, you better make sure you read the fine print and know what the fuck you’re doing. I learned from the best, your husband. Now are you leaving or do I need to call security?”

I angled my head to the side and her narrowed stare moved between Elias and me once more before she rolled her shoulders back, regained the resemblance of composure, and walked away. When she reached the door, she paused and turned to face me one last time. “I pray you choke on this moment and fucking die. At least then reality will match my dreams. Both of you have been dead to me for a long time now.”

Her words didn’t mean anything so when she walked out of my office, I didn’t feel a damn thing but relief. This was a long time coming but Elias and I were both free of her. She would be fine; I was sure of it.

Our mother had been vetting her next husband. I knew of several very wealthy men she was spending time with. If nothing else, she knew how to manipulate her way into being financially stable. What I had done would force her to be reliant on someone else. That was more of a gut punch than anything. She had nothing of her own. Dependency was control and she loathed control.

“I’m going to head home.”

“You good…”

“Fucking fantastic. None of this mattered to me. I guess that’s one thing she and I share. That woman has been dead to me for a long time now.” His eyes met mine with certainty I felt in my core. “Oh, and buy your lady a new car. The one she has isn’t reliable. It’s not safe.”

I smirked and nodded. “I’m working on it. She’s not opposed to our lifestyle but she’s not necessarily all in just yet either. The shit with her ex really fucked with her trust and self-confidence when it comes to money and her worth.”

“What he do to her?” Elias’s body hardened in a way that let me know he was in defense mode. Jhorie was now officially part of our small protected circle. He would stand for her the way I stood for Cress and their children.

“Nothing like that. She just lost herself in his world. His form of control was providing. She handed over her independence because of the lifestyle he provided and promises he made.” His expression hardened then he relaxed and shrugged.

“She’s going to have to adjust or she won’t survive you orus. If I had to guess, whoever her ex was doesn’t compare to you or what you can offer in any way.”

“Not even fucking close.”

He smiled smugly. “Give her time to adjust. Don’t force it. She’ll eventually have to accept who you are,whatyou are.”

A very wealthy man.

“I don’t need advice on how to navigate my relationship, Lias.”

“Neither do I but you always seem to be there handing that shit over so I figured I’d return the favor.”

I chuckled, shaking my head and watching him leaving my office with the intent of cleaning up the mess my mother made but instead I received a call. One I had been waiting on. One that would ensure Jhorie didn’t have any more reminders about her past so she could freely move forward with our future.