Her smile was beautiful when it blossomed. “How many kids do you want?”

“Haven’t thought about it. The goal as of now is to enjoy the process, preferably as often as possible and we’ll let nature run its course. I’m happy with however many we’re blessed with.”

She frowned hard. “That sounds exhausting. Well, making them sounds fun, but the raising of a football team that comes after they get here, not so much. For argument’s sake, let’s agree on two.”

“What if I want more?” I leaned and kissed her neck and she moaned.

“Then we’ll table it at two and circle back after we get there.”


“Do you plan on staying at your family home?”

I pulled back and leveled my eyes with hers. “Unless you object, yes. There’s more than enough space and…”

“I don’t object. I love your house.”


“Favorite cereal.”

“Don’t have one.”

“Everyone has a favorite cereal.” The certainty reminded me of how different our worlds truly had been.

“I don’t. We had chefs as kids and as an adult I never indulged. Didn’t seem necessary.”

“That’s…” she paused. “Tragic.”

“Possibly. However, there are worse things than not having a favorite cereal. What’s yours?”

“Fruity Pebbles. The absolute best.” She grinned in a childlike way.

“Then I’ll try yours and if I like it, it will be something we share.”

“If you don’t?” She arched a brow.

“I will because it’s a part of you.”

“You’re full of shit.”

“I’m a man who understands the benefits of pleasing a woman at all costs in all aspects of her life. Liking your favorite cereal is small yet significant and requires little effort on my part.”

“So you’ll doanythingto make me happy?”

“Anything within reason but please understand I expect the same in return.”

She smiled slowly. “I don’t know if I can trust that you’ll stick with your word. I asked for sex and you denied me.Sexis well within reason.”

I chuckled and kissed her. “Sexiswithin reason. Sex with a potential audience isnotand I didn’t deny you, I only postponed the delivery. You’re going to cum several times this evening, Jhorie. Next question.”

“What’s one thing in life you want more than anything, but you’ll never ask for, no matter what?”

The answer was easy so I spoke it without hesitation. “You.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Me?”

I nodded slowly. “I’ll never ask for you to be with me, to love me, to appreciate me and what I have to offer. Everything I do will be for you. I will be unabashedly devoted to making you happy. The choice will always have to be yours. But if you continue to choose me? I promise to give you everything I am, everything I will ever be, everything you can even imagine. There will never be a moment of your life where you will ever question where I stand with you, how I feel, or whether I choose you. But I’ll never ask, Jhorie. I can’t. The choice will always have to be yours.”