I relaxed and eased into the chair across from her. After a server approached and took our orders, which had our food arriving not long after, the two of us engaged in comfortable conversation.

Samiya discussed her company Light My Flame, which had me eager to snag some products after hearing how passionately she spoke about the candles. She also discussed her fine ass husband, Grant Jones, who had her blushing and smiling the entire time she told me how they’d met by happenstance during a Christmas storm. I loved that she was in love but also felt the proverbial slap in the face of my love life being in shambles.

“What about you?”

“Me?” I paused with my wine glass at my mouth, lowering it instead of taking a sip. “What do you mean?”

“You’re from here originally, but you mentioned in the interview that you recently moved back. You’re also adamant about staying in one of the units in Crescent Manor, which I get, but also don’t envy your choice. I can only assume there isn’t anyone special in your life based on the decisions you’re making.”

“Would that matter?”

Her expression softened. “Your personal life is your own, Jhorie. However, I won’t say I’m not curious about how your personal life will affect your ability to do your job.”

“I assure you my relationship status will not get in the way of me doing my job. If anything it will help me be more dedicated. I’m not distracted so I plan on pouring all my time and energy into making sure the community of Crescent Manor has the amenities and resources they deserve. Income or lack thereof should not be the deciding factor in quality of life.”

“But it is. Reality happens to prove those with the means have a better quality of life. Those whose pockets are a little less accommodating don’t, but that’s where we come into play. BWB would like to help bridge that gap. It will not be an overnight fix but we can get it done, create some balance, and ensure there are resources available. Nice affordable housing, community centers, qualified physicians of color, and affordable healthcare. The communities are strong because of family ties and neighborly bonds but we can make them stronger.”

“I’m so excited about working with you. I’m a product of that strong community affiliation. Life wasn’t perfect but I like to think coming up in Crescent Manor made me who I am. Instilled resilience and a sense of pride. What most don’t understand is not everyone dreams of a million-dollar lifestyle. Some are content with small, dependable communities that foster a sense of family. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have quality of life and resources in those small communities.”

“Agreed. I am excited to be working with you. You’re a perfect fit and this is personal. You’re connected and you will be able to see the vision.”

“Thank you.”

“But I seriously hope you know if at any time you change your mind about living in Crescent Manor I won’t judge or view you differently. You don’t have to live in the cause to be for the cause. I can get you set up anywhere in the city. I have partnerships with a lot of people.”

She lowered her eyes when the device on the table notified her of an incoming call. “One of which is reaching out now. He’s the reason for all of this. Our biggest investor and very hands on. You’ll be working very closely with him.”

“Ez, hey.”

I lifted my own phone to ensure I didn’t present like I was eavesdropping on her call. I swiped through a few messages and got irritated when I noticed one from Dre’thon. I tapped the thread and rolled my eyes.

You don’t just walk away, Jhorie. I’ve invested time and money in you. Trust me when I say this isn’t over.

Such an entitled, arrogant asshole.

I maneuvered to his contact information and blocked him. I didn’t have time for him or his entitlement.

“So…” Samiya began and I lifted my eyes to find her smiling my way. “You said you’re fully dedicated and ready to dive in.”

“I am.” I lowered my phone to the table and offered my full attention.

“How do you feel about getting started right away? Like after we finish up here.”

“Today, oh…”

“If that’s a problem, you can decline. I promise the job is still yours. I was just thinking maybe you could put that bad ass outfit to good use and meet with someone. He had some ideas to go over and I mentioned you would be taking my place. Might as well get the ball rolling.”

“Sure, that sounds great. It’s not like I have any other plans. Might as well get started and I’m eager to dive in. I have some really great ideas.”

“Perfect. Then you and Ezekiel should get along just fine.”


There was no way.

She lifted her phone again, swiping and tapping a few times before I had her attention again. “I just sent you his contact information. It’s his personal line but has the address to his office downtown. I’ll shoot him a text to let him know to expect you. How’s three?”

My mind wandered back to that night. That very memorable night where I was blessed with his hands, his mouth, those lips…