Page 26 of Melos

I opened my blurry eyes and sat up, wishing I had done so slowly. My neck and legs felt like they’d been wrung out by sadistic hands because of my position in the carriage. Groaning, I looked out the window and got my first glimpse of the city at night.

Torches burned bright from decorated poles set in the hard-packed dirt road. What I could see of the buildings were several stories of brightly painted wood in an array of colors with canvas awnings and flamboyant bunting.

A shadow fell over the window, blocking my view, and the carriage door opened. A heavy-set man with a red cap smiled at me a few feet away holding the door, and on stiff legs, I got out.

“Welcome, Lord and Lady Dega. Come this way please.” He held out a stocky arm and escorted me and Lucius inside a well-lit foyer with latticed walls in a pale wood. Potted plants and rich tapestries in orange and blue decorated the entry, leading the eye forward to a beautiful staircase made of a rich auburn wood sculpted in some ornate design. The area smelled like almond oil and cognac, a pleasant combination that complimented the colors around us.

Even though I was weary and dragging my feet, the sight of the lovely space woke me up a bit. Everywhere was color and texture.

Up the stairs, the man showed us to our room, still smiling broadly. “My name is Willow, Lady Dega, and I’m the house regent here. If there is anything you need, please let me know by pulling the bell in your room. Breakfast will be ready at seven. I’ll have your things sent up as soon as possible, my lord.”

“Thank you, Willow.” Lucius touched my back and guided me into one of the most beautiful rooms I’d ever seen.

As soon as I stepped in, the scent of bergamot and rich tea leaves greeted me. I noticed right away that the room only had two walls—the one behind me and the one on my right. Where the two other walls should have been was simply open space, revealing more plants, a rock fountain where a trickle of water fell, and one that led to a covered balcony that overlooked the city proper. A wide wooden pillar decorated in inlays of vines and flowers separated the two points, wide enough for two people to hug without their hands meeting.

The floors were a burnt sienna terracotta, the furniture made of smooth and shiny material that reminded me of what pan flutes were made of but much thicker and wider. Gauzy fabric in rich jewel tones draped the high canopy of the biggest bed I’d ever seen, and more hung from the thinner pillars that were on the perimeter of the balcony.

In the middle of the room and set into the floor a few feet deep, a fire burned in a square pit that was bordered in glass, of all things, and was keeping the room pleasantly cozy. Several rugs blanketed the floor, their colors and intricate stitch-work stunning.

There was so much detail around me, so much color and texture, it would take me hours to take it all in.

“I see you like my villa,” Lucius said, coming up behind me and putting his arms around me.

“Lucius. It’s… beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you, my white dove.” He nuzzled my neck and swayed me gently, then ground his pelvis against my bottom with a groan. “I know you’re tired but— Gods, I need you right now.”

A knock on the door had him growling, but it was almost like an automatic reaction in him now when it came to me. I patted his hand with a smile, and with great reluctance, he went to get the door. Meanwhile, I went straight to the gorgeous bed and fell back on it, lifting my feet in the air to remove my boots, which I tossed to the floor haphazardly.

Not too long after I closed my eyes, I felt Lucius crawl on top of me. His hands swiftly went up my skirts, where he found my underthings and pulled them off before settling between my legs, thrusting his cock gently inside me. I arched my back and sighed with content.

My mate was insatiable, never able to wait. I cupped his jaw and pulled him down to me and took his mouth in mine, kissing him with lazy tenderness.

Without breaking the kiss, he pulled up and began undoing the laces of my bodice. He grunted when he found my breasts were easily accessible. I wore no shift underneath my gown.

“Fuck, you drive me insane,” he husked. “Fifteen hours in a box on wheels, not able to touch you like I wanted.” He took my breasts and pushed them together, then his mouth took turns with each nipple, tasting, biting gently, sucking, licking. My body was lost to all the sensations swirling around, and when I cried out, he groaned deeply. “Yes, baby. Come on my cock.”

His words unleashed the flood of pleasure, and I surrendered to it, arching my neck, which he took full advantage of. His fingers wrapped around it, my osnat between his palm and my throat, as he met his own pleasure inside me, locking us in with that relentless knot that drove my sex wild.

Once we’d caught our breaths, Lucius kissed my claiming mark and gently eased out of me. He removed my gown, my stockings, and the pins in my hair, and then, with a warm wet cloth, washed away our lovemaking between my thighs. I was languid, smiling with my eyes closed as he tucked me in bed, covering me with the softest sheets ever, sheets that smelled of lily of the valley and childhood dreams.

“Sleep well, little dove,” he whispered against my head before kissing it.

I mumbled something and then knew no more.

The villa was even more stunning in the daylight.

After a luxurious bath, Lucius and I had breakfast on the balcony. He had coffee served for both of us, and I found to my delight that I loved the rich beverage. Not only did it help restore my energy, but it also rivaled tea for my favorite drink. Apparently it was a city staple. Lucius had already had some delivered to Odessia for our stay there.

“I have a short meeting in the city. After that, I plan on spoiling you.” He placed his cup down and leaned back into his chair. He was shirtless, and that chain around his neck was way too distracting. His tan skin, those tattoos, the way his dark hair tickled against those toned shoulders…

“Oh? Tell me more.” I blew on my coffee as my toes curled inside my slippers.

“Not a chance. It’s a surprise, but you can count on not coming back to the villa until late this evening. Tomorrow, Ander and one of my guards will be taking you shopping. He says he wants you to see the silk factory? Something like that.”

“Yes, he and Pateus mentioned wanting to show it to me. When is your big meeting?” I dug into a luscious piece of cantaloupe, piercing the candied-orange flesh. Lucius paused as he watched me place the juicy melon in my mouth. His eyes darkened.

He cleared his throat. “Um. In two days.”