Page 31 of Melos

“What did you do yesterday?” I asked, feeling much warmer. Lucius had kept me in our bedroom all day and night, and I hadn’t seen a soul since this morning.

He released my hands. “Went to several pubs, a few shops. How was the theraspa?”

I laughed at his expression. “Amazing. How long did you have to wait for Lucius?”

“Gods. No less than an hour but it felt like eternity.”

We chatted some more as the carriage took us through the city. Every once in a while, Ander would point out specific attractions while my brain soaked up as much of the sights as it could. There was so much to see, so much I made a mental note of visiting before we were to head out next week.

Ander was telling me about a place that offered nothing but purple goods when I spied a familiar face. Two, in fact. He startled when I knocked on the carriage door compartment to signal to the driver to stop. I almost fell out into the road when I scrambled out of the carriage, Ander shouting behind me.

I ignored him and ran across the street to where Fadon and Phobius stood, eyeing a building in front of them.

“Fadon!” I called out, excitement filling me.

He turned, and it was like being greeted by a new day. He looked so different with his longer hair, his unshaven face. His expression went from curious to surprised, then heated as he met me on the sidewalk and lifted me into a strong hold of hickory warmth.

“What are you doing here, meleera?” he asked, his mouth on my hair, his nose pressing against me, smelling me. I shivered.

“What are you doing here?”

He set me on my feet and looked me over from head to toe, wearing a slight frown, as if trying to puzzle something out. “Queen’s business, actually. Your scent is different. Where—” He must have spotted Ander, because his hands loosened a bit on me. Relief flashed in his dark eyes.

“Fadon? What in Ongar are you doing here?” his brother said, coming over to slap Fadon on the back. Both men grinned.

I stood there positively shocked that Fadon was here and barely noticed Phobius standing at the open door of a building. He winked when he caught me staring.

“My lady, good to see you again.”

I couldn’t say the same, but I politely smiled. “Phobius.”

Behind him, the door opened and, curious, I looked inside and saw another familiar face: Demos.

I didn’t even hesitate. I walked right in, passing the tall Ongahri male who had opened the door. Demos was heading toward the back, and in my excitement I almost walked into a table. I absently noted that we were in a restaurant, but the place was empty of patrons. Instead, a sizable number of men in various dress were standing around a cordoned off area, the same place Demos was heading. Someone seized his arm, and I heard feet behind me.

“Release him, in the name of Alpha Queen Mari,” Fadon demanded.

The Ongahri man, looking shocked at this development, released Demos, who marched right past the curtain, Fadon at his heels.

I felt a touch on my back. Ander looked down at me. “Perhaps… we should leave,” he said. There was hesitancy in his tone, though. I had a feeling he wanted to figure out what was happening just as much as I did.

“This is where Lucius is holding his meeting,” I heard Phobius explain.

Just then, we heard a commotion, and Ander looked down at me with a nod. “Fine. But stay by my side.”

He held my hand, and we went to the back to investigate. The crowd of guards—if that was what they were—parted as we entered the room, the partition of canvas open. Inside was a humongous round table, and my eyes immediately went to my husband. He was sitting back in his seat, the fire burning behind him, a smug look on his face. Fadon stood to the side, looking for everything like an avenging god.

“I heard there was a meeting for the Ongahri,” Fadon stated. “I know the Consortium isn’t until next year, so this is a surprise.”

Lucius bowed his head mockingly. “So honored to have you, Captain Trajan. I had no idea you were head of a tribe.”

“I’m here on the behalf of our Alpha queen.” Fadon looked around the room. I was completely taken aback, not understanding a single thing that was happening. But I could feel the tension in the air.

“Hmm. I do not recall inviting House Trajan to our meeting.” Lucius was spinning a quill on the table. His tattooed knuckles spun around and around, blurring into an inky shape.

“If it involves the Ongahri, this is her business.”

“I disagree,” Lucius said dryly. “Wholeheartedly.”