Page 13 of Hostile Tyranny

I didn’t take offense to the comment. It was true. Legend reading my journal told him of all the cruel ups and downs of the volatile relationship I was in. The one I missed, even though that made me as tragic as the relationship itself.

“I’m not judging, girl. Shit is fucked up because fucked up shit happens.”

Talking to Legend was like talking to a soul who had experienced and witnessed so many parts of life that he understood my insane actions, falling in love with a madman.

He added, “Hey, who knows what made him nuts to begin with, right?”

Truer words couldn’t have been spoken. Sure, maybe some people are born with mental or chemical challenges, but vile ones? Isn’t that a product of some other interference of life?

I explained to Legend that Stain—

“What?” I screeched loud enough to wake the house, but luckily didn’t. “This woman was with Stain?”

“Small world,” Bors confirmed, as amazed as I.

—was unusually twisted. But… came to love me.

“Love?” I shivered. “That man was incapable of such a thing.”

I didn’t wait for Bors to respond. I was too hungry for more. So, I flipped the page in a hurry and gasped when I saw old, smeared blood on the next page. “Who-Who’s blood is this? D-Did Legend hurt her?”

“The fuck? I’m sorry to interrupt you, sweetheart, but you lovin’ him is much different than what he was doing to you. His ‘love’ sounds more like hostile tyranny.”

After Stain had held me captive in the beginning, it’s true, he became a bit obsessed, but isn’t that what every girl wants?

“Not mine,” Legend insisted. “Charmaine wanted my heart. My… loyalty.”

I didn’t have Stain’s loyalty, not in the sexual sense. His perversion amped up to levels I couldn’t handle—

I slammed the book shut, sure to have the red ribbon marking where I was. Gasping for air, I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out images of Stain’s horrific sexual desires I had witnessed—


“That club girl… The one he—”

“Ivy, you told her to run. It’s not your fault.”

Trying to catch my breath, I held up a hand to the cameras. “I’m okay. I’m okay.”

After a moment, I took another pull of whiskey for courage and got back to the journal.

—due to the violence. That’s why other club girls were called in.

“I’m glad you didn’t lose your fire, Tierney, after living through that. I do feel sorry for the other victims.”

Victims. I guess Legend is correct. That’s exactly what they were.

Maybe that is what I am—was, too.

I told Legend how Stain couldn’t understand my need to find Maeve and refused to let me leave to search for her once he learned my truth. So, I left in the middle of the night.

“Sick fuck. He doesn’t have a twin, by chance, does he?”

I had no idea why Legend asked that.

“Oh, just someone I hope to find someday.”

Legend spoke casually, but I could almost feel the death sentence attached to his words. The word ‘find’ meant kill. I was sure of it.