Page 9 of Hostile Tyranny

I only had one card to play.

If they could care so much for a teenager who was wild and slightly immature, I was hoping these older men had an extended caring bone in their pissed hearts. So, I told them part of my truth. That I’m on the run. Needing protection.

That one blue eye searched my green ones… then released my face.

As if a well-practiced dance, Legend was suddenly back in my view and questioning me. “Running from who?”

For a chance to live, I had to speak of all I could without giving myself away. I told them there was another club.

Legend rolled his eyes. “Want my son to fuck you then protect you?”

I shook my head as my chest panted and then told him the truth. I had come to fuck him for protection.

His head jerked back in disbelief until his anger returned. “Big. Mistake.”

A tear slipped down my cheek. “I understood that, but I had no choice. I need a Prez to face… the one chasing me.”


Meticulous Bors didn’t miss many details. Therefore, the glaring one of Stain, the President of the Scorpions, pimping out his daughter, had him wondering if this man was truly my father. A DNA swab confirmed his suspicions and led him to the Steel Stallions. This journal in my hand had me suspecting my DNA led Bors in another direction, also.

“Do I have family in Ireland?”

“Babe, read the fucking book.”

After a weighted exhale, I thought out loud, “Eye patch…” Then asked, “‘Dag’ is Dagger, right?”

“He is.”

Emotions were bubbling inside me. “He swore Legend was a good man.” My fingers grazed the open journal in my lap. “I can’t handle him not helping this poor woman.”

When Bors contacted the Steel Stallions with a wild tale of a found blood relative, they didn’t believe him. Nor did they believe the DNA paperwork he sent them, but it got him a meeting.

I had no idea all this was transpiring. I was only aware that Bors had an early wedding gift for me. And it was in Austin, Texas.

In a dive bar, that was a safe stomping ground for Stallions, I was introduced to Dagger, the now VP.

Understandably, the President of the Austin chapter wasn’t attending as a cautionary measure because the Stallion Road Captain learned Bors was an assassin for the Gallanties.

However, one look at me and Dagger connected unanswered dots. He claimed to know who my mother and father were.


Puckering my lips as I fought tears, I stared at the pages I was scared to continue to read.

Through the closed door, Bors insisted, “You have a sixth sense about people. So, tell me. What do you think of Dagger?”

I sighed… “That he is a deadly one-percenter but has a valiant heart and is as trustworthy as they come.”

Bors didn’t have to say another word. I nodded, understanding my fear was unwarranted, and continued to read.

Legend’s eyes were studying me more than I had ever been read before, by any club in the States. After a moment, he agreed, “You’re runnin’.” He was so intimidating to face. “I believe that but don’t believe that’s why you picked me to run to. Out of all the clubs to choose from, why mine?”

How did he know?

It was eerie how he could reach inside me and see my truth. Like he had a sixth sense—

I peered up from the book and to the door. Bors had just said the same about me.