Page 55 of Deadly Vendetta

“You must watch too much TV.”

“Not at all. I read the newspapers.” He lifted a dark brow. “Tell me what you know about self-defense.”


“What you would do if a man grabbed you from behind and tried to wrestle away your keys? Or maybe aimed a gun at your heart and offered to blow you to kingdom come if you weren’t really, really cooperative about a little roll in the hay?”

She felt the blood drain from her face. “This sounds really creepy, Zach. What’s gotten into you?”

“What would you do if your kids were threatened?” he insisted.

The fierce intensity in his gaze almost frightened her. “You know, I think it’s maybe time you left.” She planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. “You aren’t my husband, my boss, or my boyfriend. I’m not sure where this is coming from, but my life really isn’t your business.”


“Well, then. I’m glad you agree.”

“You misunderstood. I was saying ‘no, I’m not leaving right now.”’ His voice softened. “I’m worried about you, Dana. You’re a beautiful woman. You’re alone, with two kids, on an isolated ranch.”

“We’ve got Ben.”

“Whom I’ve seen for maybe a total of five minutes during the weeks I’ve been out here. He’d be a big help if you had trouble. Where was he when that neighbor of yours came by and got angry when you turned him down?”

Dana shook her head in exasperation. “Why would Ben worry? He’s known Tom since the guy was in diapers.”

“Most attacks are made by people familiar to the victim,” Zach said patiently. “But these calls by people you don’t know—luring you into the night—are just plain dangerous. If you have to go, I’m coming along.”

This was all because he was truly worried about her? Even as she resented the intrusion into her private life, the thought spread a feeling of warmth through her chest.

“I appreciate the concern. But I go out on ranch calls at all hours. It’s my job, which will dwindle into nothing if I don’t serve my clients when they need me the most.” She glanced at her watch. “Right now, I need to load my portable X-ray unit and hit the trail.”

He paced to the window, then turned back to face her. “The girls are on their way up to the house. Call Ben, tell him to keep a close eye on things, okay? The kids should lock the doors and windows. I’m coming with you.”

“I really don’t think—”

“Please. Janet was on the run, and now she’s been murdered. She was afraid for Katie’s safety. I’ve just received an e-mail from someone threatening harm to people around me.”

“Threats? But she was in Dallas, right?” Dana stared at the face she’d dreamed about for years after Zach’s unexpected departure, reading there a depth of concern that shook her to the core. She had no doubt that he would protect her and her children with his life.

She did doubt that there was any real danger.

“Why on earth would anyone come after you?”

“I...don’t know for sure.” He paced to the kitchen window, looked out toward the barn where Katie and Molly were petting the pony.

“Who sent the message? Do you know what he looks like?”

“Not yet.”

“Maybe it’s from some crackpot who heard about Janet’s death and gets his kicks from harassing people.”

“No. This guy is for real. He may be in Colorado already—maybe he even knows that I come over here. That could mean that you and your family are at risk.”

“And how would this person ever find you in Fossil Hill? We’re eight hundred miles from Dallas, in the middle of nowhere!”

“This is a very real threat, Dana.”

“All right,” she said, throwing her hands up in defeat. “You can tag along this time if it’ll make you feel better. Tell Ben to keep an eye on the kids while I check the supplies in my truck. We need to leave in five minutes.”