Page 11 of Declan

“Bob’s a retired volunteer firefighter,” Declan explains. “Ester’s in good hands.”

“I’ll say,” Ester coos. “I’ll see you in the morning, sweetie. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Tootles!”

I watch as Bob puts his arm protectively around Ester and leads her to the exit. He holds her hand with each step and kisses her cheek when they finally reach the door. I wonder how long those two have been sneaking around, but with all the hours I’ve been working to get my bar ready, it’s possible I didn’t notice their love blossoming.

Or maybe my great-aunt is just horny. Erase! Erase! I force the image out of my head.

“Cassidy,” Declan whispers my name, his lips brushing the hollow spot on my neck.

“You’re distracting. Anyone ever tell you that?” My usual spunk is missing from my words because I’m too focused on keeping my knees from buckling. The way he’s breathing on my neck has my nipples aching with agony. They want—need—to be touched, licked, suckled. Hell, every part of me needs that right now.

“Why are you fighting this?” He runs a single finger along my lower back, just beneath the fabric of my shirt. My entire body buzzes with desire so strong I nearly announce last call just so I can tackle him without an audience.

This is dangerous.

Too dangerous.

If I’m not careful, I’m going to fall fast and hard for a man I barely know. “Declan—”

The fire whistle chooses that moment to sound, the siren blaring so loudly it silences everyone in the bar. Many of the volunteer firefighters have been hanging out at The Book Cellar tonight—it’s the reason I prepared a virgin drink menu—and they hurry toward the door in mass.

“Dammit,” Declan murmurs against my neck. He kisses the side of my forehead, his lips pressing possessively to my temple. “I have to go.”

I watch him run out the door with the rest of the volunteers on call, my heart clenching painfully in my chest. It’s just a brush fire. Something small. He’ll be back. He’ll be okay. I hate how fear grips me from the inside out. My pulse doubles, already afraid of what could happen to him.

It’s impossible to deny it now.

Whether I want to admit it or not, there’s a fucking solid chance I’ve gone and fallen in love with Declan Maxwell.



It’s almost four-thirty in the morning before I pull into the driveway, fucking exhausted from one of the worst fires we’ve battled in years. Thankfully there were no casualties—human or animal—but the three-story barn on the Miller’s property is a total loss. It was an hours-long battle to contain the fire set on blazing a trail through a field right for their house.

My fucking bones are tired. It’ll take every ounce of strength I have just to get my ass in the shower before I drop into my bed.

The second I shut my truck door, I see her.

Cassidy hops up from the front steps of my house, the look of relief on her pretty face the best sight I’ve ever seen. She stands under the glow of the porch light for a few moments later before rushing me.

She throws her arms around me, and we fall back against my truck.

I barely have time to notice the tears glistening on her cheeks before our lips fuse together and I tangle my hands in her hair. It’s not until I’ve got my tongue shoved halfway down her throat and both hands dug into her plump ass that I remember I’m covered in dirt and soot. “Babe, I’m filthy.”

“I don’t care,” she whispers, cupping both my cheeks. Her eyes shine with more unshed tears. “You’re okay. That’s what matters.”

“You were worried.”

She clears her throat, and in that cute sassy tone I’ve grown addicted to, says, “Don’t read into this, Declan Maxwell.”

“Oh, it’s too late for that.”

“Shut up and let me get you inside.”

I glance toward the house, not surprised to find the windows dark, except for the glow of the stove light in the kitchen window. Micah should’ve been home half an hour ago. He’s probably dead to the world by now. But Avery’s a light sleeper.

“Avery’s helping out at The Sweet Tooth this morning. They asked her to help with bread dough. She won’t be back for a few hours,” Cassidy explains as she slips her hand into mine and leads me to the front door.