“Do you mean like a date?”
As soon as I said it, Cali’s face turned red. Oh no. Had I just screwed everything up by suggesting that he go out on a date with me?
“Yeah, I guess. I mean, yeah. Like a date.”
“Um, yeah. Of course. I mean, absolutely.”
Cali smiled.
“Cool,” he said casually.
“Yeah. Cool. When were you thinking?”
“I don’t have any classes tomorrow. I’ll probably spend a lot of the day at the hospital with my mother. But, maybe in the morning?”
I could barely contain myself I was so excited. My hands shook.
“Yeah, that sounds nice. Tomorrow morning.”
He got up.
“I should probably go. But I’ll see you back here tonight.”
“It sounds like a plan,” I said, sounding like a dork.
“It’s a plan,” he said, briefly reaching out his hand to touch me but shifting away before he did. My chest clenched seeing the gesture.
Once he was gone, I made scrambled eggs and laid out the cereal and pastries for the guests. It was amazing that I did it considering how much blood I was losing to my erection. That and the fact that I was floating above my body.
For the rest of the day, all I could think about was my date with Cali. My skin tingled. To stop the ants from racing up and down my arms, I turned my attention to making the beds. I was determined to get it to look like what I saw on YouTube.
In the end, the beds never looked perfect, but I was getting better at it. And, more importantly, doing it took my mind off of things for a while.
Taking what I had learned from Cali, I then made myself lunch. How had I never made a sandwich before? Sure, it tasted pretty dry, but it totally qualified as edible.
After that, I went out for a walk. Heading back towards the diner, I entered the grocery store next to it. Because of my lessons with Cali, I saw everything in there in a new light. Sure, I still had no idea what most of the stuff was. But I was beginning to be able to imagine.
Continuing my walk, I began to think about my car. It was at the bottom of some mountain road. Was there anything in it that I needed? The only thing that came to mind was the cash I had in the trunk. There was still a few thousand dollars left. Staying at the bed-and-breakfast, it wasn’t like I needed it. And, I always had my credit cards in case of emergency.
Knowing that it was probably too far to walk to in either case, I headed back when my tired legs replaced my endless excitement. Also, I knew that Cali could be arriving home soon. He didn’t mention how many classes he had today or if he would be stopping by the hospital before returning to me, but I wanted to be there whenever he did.
He arrived a few hours later again looking exhausted. My heart broke for him.
“Would you like to go out to eat? My treat,” I told him wanting to take care of him however I could.
“That’s okay. I can cook something.”
“You really don’t have to.
“I know. I want to,” he said, looking at me with a gaze that made my heart thump.
Hovering in the kitchen as he cooked, I felt like a lovesick puppy. It’s a good thing that he didn’t talk much because if he would have said anything, all I would have been able to do was giggle. Did every relationship feel like this? Was this what I had been missing? Or was what I felt when I was with Cali different?
Staring at him as we ate his delicious dinner, I decided that what we had was special. I then turned my thoughts to how I could get him to touch me. My hand would have been enough. Imagining his large fingers touching mine, I felt overwhelmed.
Looking at me between bites, he asked, “What are you thinking about?”