Page 472 of Second Chance Trouble

“I don’t know. The guys were the guys.”


“Meaning, he was on the football team. Who doesn’t like football players, right?”

I stared at Marcus trying to figure out what he was trying to tell me.

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“How did you feel about Cali?”

“I told you. We got along fine.”

“So, nothing ever happened between you two?”

“Between us?” he laughed. “No. Even if he was into guys, which to be honest, I doubt, I wouldn’t be his type.”

“Why do you say that?”

Marcus looked away in thought.

“I don’t think he likes me very much.”

“Who does he like?”

Marcus turned back towards me with the realization of what I was asking.

“You know what? I don’t know. I guess he likes Titus. They were roommates before finding out they were brothers. There might have been a few guys on the football team that he liked. But, for the most part, he pretty much keeps to himself.”

“So, what you’re saying is that he’s a real mystery?”

“It’s more like he’s a tough nut to crack.”

I considered everything Marcus told me about Cali and spent the rest of the day wondering if, with him, I was seeing things that weren’t there. Marcus had said that he doubted Cali was into guys. He could have been wrong.

On the other hand, hadn’t he known Cali his whole life? Yeah, I understood that there were people who were a lot better than at hiding it than I was. But Marcus was putting out serious gay vibes. Although I couldn’t, shouldn’t he have been able to pick up on something by now?

Thinking about it anxiously until Cali arrived, I looked at him differently as he stepped through the door.

“What?” he asked me when I didn’t say anything.

“Just thinking.”

“About what?”

“About you… And what you’re going to teach me how to cook next,” I said, not ready to commit to the truth.

“What about how to make dinner?”

I hesitated. “I don’t know, that seems like a lot. Do you remember when I asked you to explain how to boil an egg?”

Cali chuckled. “It’s burned into my memory. Trust me, it’ll be easy. I’ll show you how.”

It turns out it was easy…to watch. There were still so many things I didn’t know. There seemed to be an instinct about how much of each ingredient to add that Cali couldn’t give me a clear answer on.

“So, how much paprika are you sprinkling in?”