“Maybe he didn’t want some city slicker coming in and ruining our fair town,” Nero joked.
“City slicker?”
“You know, with your New York money,” he teased. “He wanted someone who could appreciate the value of the experience.”
“It was definitely a valuable experience,” I told them.
“That’s good to hear! Then he’s got my money,” Nero declared. “It looks like Snow Tip Falls is moving up in the world. And we’re doin’ it homegrown style,” he said pleased with himself.
Nero looked around at everyone. He was surrounded by Quin, Cage, Kendall, and me. None of us were from here. Frustrated, he got up.
“Mama!” he yelled. “You didn’t hear me but I just said that Snow Tip Falls was doing it homegrown style.” He left in search of her. “Mama?”
We all looked at each other and laughed. Quin stared at me.
“So, it was good?” he asked knowing there was more.
“It was very good,” I confirmed.
He responded with a smile and cozied up to Cage. I couldn’t wait to join this group as part of a couple. These people were my family, not the people who raised me. And being with Titus, this town was going to become my home. A tear rolled down my cheek from joy.
As anxious as I was for my new life with Titus to begin, it took me a day to text Sey asking to meet. It took him two more days to agree to it. If I had had any doubts about breaking up with him, that exchange removed them. The two of us weren’t meant to be together.
Yeah, we were both gay, from an old Tennessee family, and hot. But we only worked on paper. We were very different people who moved and communicated differently.
We wanted different things. At least I think we did. Who knew what he wanted? It wasn’t like he shared anything deeply personal with me.
We had to bring this to an end. Maybe then we could both get what we wanted.
Arriving at the restaurant first, I was seated. It took him twenty minutes longer than the time we arranged for him to get there, but I was willing to forgive him considering what I was about to do.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said leaning across the table to kiss me. I shifted my head to offer him my cheek.
His gesture reminded me of what I had liked about him. No matter where we were, he was never ashamed to show his affection. It was something Titus was still working on. Him declaring that he was in love with a man in front of the whole town was a great first step. But there’s something undeniable about Sey’s unashamed confidence. I hope the next guy he’s with appreciates it.
“That’s fine. But I was thinking, since the restaurant will be closing soon and you probably have something you have to run off to, maybe we should just order drinks.”
Sey sat and stared at me suspiciously.
“No, you have me for the night. And, this place will be letting people in for another thirty minutes.”
“I was just thinking that…”
He cut me off. “Lou, what’s going on?”
I was going to have to say it. I took a deep breath, centered myself, and spoke.
“Sey, you’re a great guy. But I think we need to break up,” I said sensitively.
Sey’s mouth dropped open. He looked stunned, but only for a moment. Regaining his composure, he looked around for a waiter. Making eye contact, he signaled for them to bring him whatever I was drinking. He then turned to me and casually said,
I stared at him confused. Was he in shock? Had he not heard what I said?
“What do you mean, no?”
“No,” he said as if it were obvious.