Page 414 of Second Chance Trouble

“That sounds like fun!”

“Does it? You never struck me as the roughing it type.”

“What do you mean? I could be rough. You just have to ask,” I said flirtatiously.

Titus’s eyes flicked up to Claude who laughed.

“There you go. He likes it rough,” Claude joked.

“Yeah, don’t tease me,” I said looking into Titus’s eyes.

I knew I shouldn’t have been flirting with Titus in front of his business partner while surrounded by all of his small-town friends, but I couldn’t stop myself. It was all I could do to bottle up what I felt for him.

Still, Titus wasn’t out. I didn’t know if he was attracted to guys who weren’t me. I didn’t know how he felt about me now. Maybe I was supposed to be his secret. Maybe what I had done had sent him running back to women and he never wanted to think about a man again.

“I’m joking,” I added regretting what I said. “I should go back to my table.”

“What are you doing over there?”

“I’m offering free DNA tests for a school project. Only you will see the results. You should get one.”

“Oh, interesting. Maybe I’ll stop by later,” he said flashing a brilliant smile.

Claude was Titus’s business partner so there was no way I would do it, but the old me would have asked him out. There was something about him that told me he would be open to it.

But that was the old me. The only one the new me wanted was Titus and I might have again screwed things up with him by exposing him like I had.

“I’ll walk you back,” Titus said joining me as I returned to my table.

“I’m sorry about that,” I told him feeling bad.

“About what?”

“Making those jokes.”

“Why would you apologize for that?”

“I know I can be a bit of a show.”

“A show?”

“Yeah. I just…” I tightened my lips as my swirling thoughts jammed the path to my mouth. “I don’t want to embarrass you. This is your home. Everyone knows you a certain way here. I just don’t want to ruin anything by mentioning what happened between us.”

“Ruining things by mentioning what happened between us?”

“Yeah.” I turned to put my hands on his chest and then stopped remembering where we were. “Yeah. I should go back to my table and recruit a few victims… I mean volunteers,” I said trying to lighten the mood. “You should work the room, Mr. Politician.”


“You should go,” I said wanting to be alone.

Titus listened and left without saying another word. I watched him walk away. I didn’t want to ruin his life. I didn’t want to lead him on. I didn’t want to hurt him. Maybe the best thing I could do for him would be to leave him alone.

I didn’t question how much I loved him. I loved him more than I thought it possible to love anyone. But was that enough to be with someone?

I’m a mess. I know that. I’ve always known that. I’ve always been more than even a mother could love. If I truly loved Titus, wouldn’t walking away be the best thing I could do for him?

That was all I could think about as I sat at my table. Quin stopped by and sat with me for a while. So did Cage. It was good because other than the occasional visitor who kept on moving as soon as they found out what I was offering, they were the only ones I spoke to.