Page 407 of Second Chance Trouble

“You know Lou’s engaged, right?”

“No shit!” Nero said handing me a beer from the fridge. “Who?”

“The quarterback from the team.”


“It’s a new guy who transferred from Nashville.”

“A new guy. How long have they been dating?”

“He proposed on the third date,” I told Nero getting a blank stare in return. “Yeah, I thought the same thing.”

“So, you don’t think it’s gonna last either?” Nero said breaking out of his stupor and taking a swig.

“What do you mean?”

“Did he text Lou good morning and good night every day?”

“I think so. Why?”

“Does he like grand gestures?”

I thought about it. Not only did he propose to Lou with a choir singing in the background, he showed up at Lou’s place to surprise him.

“He does,” I decided.

“Then, all you gotta do is wait him out,” Nero said with a confident smile.

“What are you talking about?”

“He’s what you call a Love Bomber.”

“What’s that?”

“He gets off on the rush you feel at the beginning of a relationship. No follow-through.”

“How do you know this?”

“I know things,” Nero said taking another gulp of beer. “Just wait him out. Lou will realize what he passed up on.”

“Did I hear my name?” Lou said entering the kitchen with Quin and Kendall.

Lou had the devilish smile he got before saying something playful. God, did I miss it.

“Nero was just saying that you and I won’t have a chance against him and Kendall now that you’re engaged and distracted by love,” I said testing Nero’s theory.

“Ha!” Lou balked. “It’s sad watching him grasp for straws, isn’t it Titus,” Lou said moving beside me. “If you think my mind is anywhere but right here,” he said slipping his arm around mine, “then you are in for a rude awakening.”

“I stand corrected,” Nero said giving me an I-told-you-so look as he took another swig of beer.

We all hung out in the kitchen laughing until Cali arrived. After that, we moved to the living room where Cage joined us. With an uneven number of people, we decided on Wavelength. It was our go-to game and always fun to play.

In our group, Cage and Quin were the super couple. They could practically read each other’s minds. Lou and I usually beat out Nero and Kendall, but it was always very close. This time we split the team into brains versus brawn.

“Football players versus nerds,” Nero said teasingly.

“So, what you’re saying is you want to lose badly,” his boyfriend replied.