Page 391 of Second Chance Trouble

Experiencing Lou’s pleasure, all I could do was grip my own cock and squeeze. That was more than enough to make me cum as well. I had been on the border of cumming from the moment I pulled out of his mouth. A brush of his leg could have sent me off. So, out of breath from the orgasm and drunk from Lou’s exhilarating touch, I collapsed.

I could have lied on his crotch with his cock in my hand forever. That wasn’t what he wanted, though. So, when he pulled at my back, I crawled up his body. Rolling on top of me, he placed his head on my chest. I loved it. And wrapping my arms around his warm body, I knew that there was nowhere else in the world I would rather be.

Lou and I laid there until the fall temperature got to us and lying naked with our feet in an ice bath became too much. A few minutes after we both orgasmed, Lou gripped me tighter. Once he started shivering, I spoke.

“Should we get dressed?”

“Can we get dressed without moving? Because I never want this moment to end.”

“We can try, but we might have to move a little.”

Both of us were quiet until Lou’s shivering became intense.

“Okay, we need to get dressed. Get up,” I said knowing someone had to.

Lou looked disappointed, but he relented. Crawling up and giving me a quick kiss, he sat up and looked around for his clothes. I pointed him to them and he stood up.

Watching the gorgeous guy walk away from me, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I had dreamed of being with him for so long and reality was better than I had hoped. I loved him so much that my heart hurt looking at him. And when he bent over showing me his ass, I started to get hard again.

“Wait,” I said stopping him from getting dressed.

“What?” he said turning around with his underwear in his hand.

“One second,” I said getting up and brushing the sand from his beautifully smooth backside.

Lou stood letting me. His cock got harder with every stroke. It was almost enough to make me pull him into my arms for round two. But he was also still shivering. My baby needed to put on some clothes.

When all of the sand was gone, I let him know and he slipped his tempting manhood into his shorts. That was quickly followed by him putting on his shirt, pants, and shoes.

I grabbed my shorts and Lou quickly did the same for me. I loved feeling his hands on my naked flesh. I was disappointed when he stopped. The only thing that made it better was knowing that this was just the beginning of our new life together. And the more clothing I put on, the more I looked forward to what came next.

“Where do you want to go now?” I asked him as we both stared at each other fully dressed.

“I don’t want to leave this spot. Once we do, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“What do you wanna happen?” I asked vulnerably.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I smiled. “That’s what I want too. Then why don’t we do that?”

“I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“I don’t know. What if I can’t be happy? What if my family won’t let me be happy?”

“I think you’re giving them too much credit. If you wanna be happy, just be happy. You gotta choose it. I choose to be with you no matter what happens. I don’t care what anyone will say or what it could change. If you wanna be with me, you gotta do the same. That’s all.”

“You don’t know my parents.”

“You’re giving them too much power.” I took Lou’s hand. “Lou, do you wanna be with me? Because I wanna be with you.”

He looked into my eyes. I could see his heart. “I want to be with you.”

A warm wave washed through me making my brain crackle with joy.

“I’m glad. Then, if your family tries something, all you have to do is choose me.”