Page 377 of Second Chance Trouble

I pointed Titus to the bathroom and then changed into underwear and a pair of shorts. I knew I should probably put on a shirt, but I saw the way Titus looked at me in the pool. He had liked the way I looked. It had felt so go that I couldn’t resist hoping for it again, even if I knew I shouldn’t want it.

I got into bed and got comfortable. The best-case scenario would be if I was asleep by the time he returned. That didn’t happen, but I pretended to be.

With my eyes closed, I followed him around the room. I knew he hadn’t taken clothes into the bathroom with him, so he had to only be wearing a towel when he entered. I also knew where he had left his travel bag. It was on the chair on the far side of the room.

When it unzipped, I knew he was facing away from me. That was when I peaked at what was going on. Staring at him in only a towel, I swallowed. But when he dropped it to put on his underwear, I immediately got hard.

How could he have an ass like that? Nothing about him made sense. My straight best friend was secretly hot. How was that fair?

Closing my eyes when his underwear was on, I committed to pretending to be asleep for the rest of the night. There wasn’t a moment I wasn’t focused on him, though. With his underwear on, I didn’t hear him reach back into his bag. Had he already taken out his sleeping clothes? If he had, why wasn’t there a rustle as he put them on?

Feeling my heart thump as he climbed into bed, I waited for him to touch or hold me. He didn’t. The only thing he did was turn off the light. I kept waiting for him to do more, but nothing happened. It was driving me so insane that my body shook.

It was only then that I felt the bed shift. He could feel me shaking. How would I explain it if he asked? It was a warm night. There was no reason I should have been cold.

Luckily, I didn’t have to. While I lay there wishing beyond hope that he would hold me, he wrapped his arms around me. His body was everything I could have dreamed it would be. We were puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. And with his warm body locked on mine, everything bad that had happened today floated away. I quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, it was with me pressed onto the back of Titus like a koala bear. I felt so good bathing in his body heat. The only thing that could make it better would be if I were to wrap my arms around him and pull him to me.

My mind spun lying there. I quickly needed to hold him. Was he still asleep? If I wrapped my arm around his waist, could I get away with it?

He had held me the night before. But that was just a friend doing what he had to to warm up a friend. It wasn’t because he liked touching me.

If I held him this morning, I wouldn’t be able to pretend it was for any other reason than me needing to hold him. And I did. I craved being one with him. I had never before realized how great he smelt. I wanted to bite into his back like an apple. I wanted him inside of me.

Unable to resist a moment longer, I lifted my arm like I was going to roll over and then rested my forearm on his waist. My heart clenched at the sensation. Needing more, I adjusted again this time wrapping my arm around him with my forearm on his stomach and my hand on his chest.

Touching him it became hard to breathe. I fought to control my breath needing more air than I was taking in. Even with that, I couldn’t resist taking things further. Slowly gripping my fingertips, I enclosed one of his strong pecs into my hand. When he didn’t move, I explored lower.

I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted to know him. I wanted to have him. But when my hand uncontrollably pushed onto his taught stomach and continued south, Titus stirred.

I shot off of him like I was hit by lightning. Nothing I had done had been subtle. I couldn’t explain it away if he asked.

Rolling away from him, I felt him roll over facing me. Crap, I was caught!

“You awake?” he whispered in a groggy morning voice.

He had given me a way out.

I stretched as if his question had woken me. Without answering, I turned laying on my stomach with my eyes closed. I stayed there for a count of five and then turned to him pinching open my eyes.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” he asked cheerfully.

I rolled over facing him again.

“No, no. I was…” I stopped talking as if I were trying to not make him feel bad for waking me.

“Shit, I woke you.”

“No, really. I was getting up,” I said purposefully muddying the truth.

“How did you sleep?” he asked accepting what I said.

“Good!” I replied with a smile. “I can’t remember sleeping better.”

“You know that’s because I was here, right?” he said cockily.

I wondered if I would let him have this one.