“What’s going on?”
“Do you not know where you’re going? If you don’t, that’s a problem because you’re driving.”
“I know where we’re going.”
“Have you not heard anything I’ve told you about my family? Wait, what am I thinking? Last night you made clear that you hear everything I tell you. Thank you again for that, by the way.”
“Of course,” I said feeling good.
“So, I don’t have to tell you that we’re going to the lion’s den. And that pack of hyenas is going to eat me alive.”
I reached across the truck and put my hand on his thigh. I loved touching him.
“You don’t have to worry. I’ll protect you,” I told him with a smile.
“Awww,” he said moved. “That’s sweet.” He squeezed my hand. “They’re going to eat you alive, too.”
I pulled back my hand.
“I don’t get it. Didn’t you tell me that your Grandmother was going to give you an inheritance? We’ll go. You’ll get it. And afterward, you’ll never have to see your family again. It’s only two days. I’ll help you through it.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I didn’t just say that she was going to give me an inheritance. I told you that I was going to inherit it all. She said that she was going to give everything to me.”
“So? That’s even better.”
Lou stared at me terrified.
“Titus, you haven’t met my family. As soon as they find out that they’re getting nothing, they’ll kill me and make soup from my bones.”
“Lou, you have to be exaggerating.”
“Oh, I’m not. After my Grandma Aggie told me that she was giving me everything, she told me to get prepared. She knew.”
“And, did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Get prepared?”
Lou looked flabbergasted.
“What does that even mean?”
“I don’t know. Get a lawyer, I guess.”
Lou completely deflated and turned away in thought.
“Oh. I guess that would’ve made sense.” He turned back to me again overwhelmed. “Where was all of this fancy thinking when my Grandma Aggie was alive?”
“Probably hanging out in my room waiting for you to tell me how your latest date went.”
Lou froze. When he replied, he was calmer. “Well, a lot of good that does us now. Anyway, I’m tired of talking about myself. It feels like forever since we’ve talked about you. How was Nero’s new place? Anything new going on in your life? Anyone new?”
I thought and then answered. “Nero’s place was nice. And, yeah. There’s someone new in my life,” I said with a smile.
Lou snapped towards me stunned. He looked like he was trying to be excited for me but was horrified.
“Really? That’s great. Are they cute?”