Page 284 of Second Chance Trouble

“I don’t like him! I mean, I like him. We’re good friends. But, I don’t like him like that.”

“Huh! Well, I guess it’s a good thing you don’t. Because if you did, hearing he’s going on yet another date might drive you up the wall. Imagine all of the things he does with these guys. Imagine them holding hands. Imagine them kissing. Then when they invite him back to their place…”

“He’s a virgin!” Titus said cutting me off.


“Yeah. He said he dates a lot but he doesn’t go any further than that. He wants to wait for the right guy.”

“Was he looking at you when he said it?”

“What do you mean if he was looking at me? He was talking to me. Of course, he was.”

I stared at him wondering how long he was gonna play this game.

“Okay. Whatever. I just think if you feel something for someone, you need to tell them no matter how chicken shit you are?”

“You tell Kendall that?” He asked throwing it back in my face.

“I’m gonna tell him this weekend,” I said coming out to the guy I was gonna see every single day. I guess it was official. There was no turning back now.

“Good for you!” Titus said looking at me with admiration. “That’s awesome. He seemed really nice. I like you two together.”

“Thanks,” I told him filling with relief.

Not having a game this weekend, Kendall and I made arrangements to meet at Quin’s room so the three of us could drive to Snow Tip Falls together.

“So, neither of you thought about how to get it through the door when you were deciding how big it will be?” I asked staring at the four-foot-wide jug costume.

Kendall and Quin looked at each other. It was the cutest thing ever.

“Okay. Here’s what we’re gonna do. Quin, you’re gonna take all the pictures you want with it looking as perfect as it does right now.”

“And then?” Quin asked nervously.

“Then, we’re gonna get it through the door.”

“Oh no! We put so much work into it,” Quin moaned. “I haven’t made anything like this before.”

“Then maybe next time you two will make something smaller than the doorframe you need to get it through. Weren’t you supposed to be a genius or something?” I teased.

Quin’s head drooped. I don’t know why, but that might have taken things too far. I put my hand on his shoulder.

“Look. I got you. We both got you. Right, Kendall?”

“Of course. We got you, Quin.”

“I just wanted Cage to see it at its best.”

“And he will… in the pictures,” I said teasing him again.

Quin’s mood lightened allowing him to laugh about it. I did the same. But when I looked over at Kendall, I caught him staring at me with a big grin.


“Nothing,” he said before turning his attention to the costume.

I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I liked the way he looked thinking it. He really was the sexiest guy ever. Damn, did I want to kiss him again.