Page 228 of Second Chance Trouble

“And I appreciate that. I really do…” Nero stared at me measuring what he would say next. “It’s just that, I thought that school was important. I mean, I never used to think that. But after I met you and Quin, I…”

He trailed off.

I wasn’t sure what was going on. Nothing Nero had told me about himself had led me to believe that he had valued school. So where was this coming from?

I wouldn’t want to push him in any way, but it was clear that if he went to college it would change his life. Nero wasn’t the dumb thug I thought he was when we had first met. He was thoughtful, vulnerable, and pretty ingenious. If he was exposed to the outside world, there was no telling who he would become.

“School is important,” I told him taking the opening.

“But, you only had three classes left and you dropped out. If it’s so important, and you were so close, why did you leave?”

“I left for you and Mom.”

“Huh. Okay. And, I appreciate that. It’s just that I thought it was really important.”

“It is really important! It’s just that you two are more important.”

Nero didn’t respond to that. I obviously didn’t clear things up for him. And, honestly, I could see why. It was a matter of priorities and responsibilities. But, at the same time, I didn’t realize that I might be setting an example for my younger brother. I was new at this.

“Why hasn’t Quin come to visit?”

“What?” I asked caught off guard. As his question echoed in my mind, I felt a tightening clench around my heart, and waves of pain shot through my healing leg.

“I said, why hasn’t Quin come to visit?”

“Oh! It’s because…”

As I began to say it, I realized that I hadn’t said it aloud before. It took everything in me not to fall to my knees at the thought.

“We broke up.”

“What?” Nero asked shocked. “I liked him!”

“I did too,” I admitted feeling it for the first time.

“What happened?”

“I have responsibilities now.”

“Wait! You broke up with him because of us?”

“I mean…” I didn’t want to say it.

“No!” He said turning to me angrily. “Just no!”

“What are you talking about, no?”

“I liked him. He was really good for you, Cage. You two were cute together,” he said distressed.

“There’s more to being with someone than how you look together.”

“I know that. I’m not an idiot. But, didn’t you say that he was the one who figured everything out and that he was the reason you found us?”

“He was.”

Nero shook his head and shot out his hands as if he had presented his argument on a platter.

“And you broke up with him for it?”