“As much as I would like to help you, this isn’t a topic I could discuss with someone who just showed up off of the street. Did you really fall into the ice?”
“I did. Why would I lie about that?”
“There are all types in this world.”
“Are you suggesting that there’s something to what I’ve been saying?”
“I’m neither saying whether there is or isn’t. It’s not my place.”
I stared at Dr. Tom sure that he was looking for a follow-up question. It took me a moment to figure out what it was.
“Then, whose place is it?”
The doctor unlatched his arms and began paperwork as if I hadn’t asked the question.
“Have you gotten the chance to meet many people in town?”
“We’ve met a few. Is there anyone we should meet?”
“I don’t know if there’s anyone you should meet, but there are some interesting characters. Nero is someone you might find entertaining. He’s a little rough around the edges but he’s a good kid.”
“Yes. Is there anything else medical-related that I could help you with,” he said ushering me out.
“No. Thank you. Who do I pay for the visit?”
“Don’t worry about it. You had nothing wrong. It’s on the house,” he said looking at me with a forced smile.
I was about to go when I thought of something.
“Actually, there might be one other thing that I’d like to discuss.”
“What’s that?”
“You’re married?”
“To a man?”
“Yes?” The doctor said worried about where I was going with my question.
“I’m here with my boyfriend.”
“We might be doing something for the first time later. I’m aware that there are things you can use to make such things a little easier… you know when they slide in.”
Dr. Tom turned, grabbed a small tube out of a cabinet, and handed it to me.
“Thanks,” I told him. “Nero, right?”
The doctor gave me a tight-lipped smile.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
I left his office and joined the two guys.