Page 177 of Second Chance Trouble

I knew what I wanted next, though. I wanted to give him a fraction of the pleasure he had given me. I wanted him inside of me. I wanted the two of us to become one. I didn’t care how. But if getting a blow job could feel that good, the best thing I could do would probably be to give him one back.

The thought of it sent a warm feeling rushing through me. What would it be like to hold his most intimate part in my hands? I wanted to find out.

Feeling more awake by the moment, I made my plan. Maybe I would wake him by wrapping my lips around his morning wood. That was a thing that non-virgins did, right? It had to be.

No longer feeling his arms around me, I was about to open my eyes and go in search of his body when a knock on the door snapped me awake. Remembering where I was, my eyes popped open. I looked left and then found Cage on my right. He had popped his head up as well.

Oh well, so much for waking him with a blow job. And as I thought of a new plan, I heard rustling paper. I looked at the door. The sound was coming from a note being slipped underneath it.

Feeling me move around, Cage looked over at me.

“Morning,” I told him with a smile.

His tired eyes crinkled as it formed a smile in reply. “Morning. How did you sleep?”

“Like a rock. How about you?”

“I was a little restless.”

“It was because I didn’t give you any relief, right? I fell asleep so hard. I was going to give you a blow job to wake you up. I had this whole plan.”

Cage chuckled. “That’s okay. We have plenty of time for that.”

“We have right now,” I said with a devilish smile.

“We do. But, aren’t you a little curious to find out what someone slipped under our door?”

He wasn’t wrong. The intrigue of it screamed from the back of my mind. Never before had I felt more alive than I did unraveling the mystery behind Cage’s past. Not only was it drawing on everything I’m good at, but it was something I was doing for Cage. Doing it for him made it ten times more engaging.

I was figuring out something that would change Cage’s life forever, something that he had been wondering about for a lifetime. If I could do this for him, it would be the best way to show how much I cared about him. So that meant, yes, I was far beyond “a little curious” about the note that was just slipped under our door.

“I guess,” I told him not wanting him to think that I didn’t want to put my hands all over him.

“Me too. I would get it but I’m a little limited,” he said with a smile.

“Right! I keep forgetting that you broke your leg.”

“So do I,” he said with a chuckle.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” I said about to get the note and then realizing I was naked and still hard as a rock.

“I wasn’t kidding when I said that it hurts less when I’m around you.”

“Do you think you’re doing any more damage to it by walking on it?”

“That’s a good question. But, I think my body would tell me if I needed to ease up. Last night when I was kneeling looking at you, I didn’t feel it at all. And this morning, it doesn’t feel perfect, but I wouldn’t say that it hurts.”

“Maybe you’re running on adrenaline? It can reduce pain,” I suggested.

“Maybe. But until my body tells me to pull back, why not keep going?”

“Because you know you should rest?”

“I’ll rest on Monday when we get back to school.”

“Hopefully we’ll be able to figure out something today,” I told him.

“Hopefully. Which makes me wonder what’s on the note.”