Page 172 of Second Chance Trouble

“I was considering applying.”

“You should. Are you a junior? Senior?”

“Junior,” he said looking back at us puckishly.

“It’s a good school,” I told him trying to shake his gaze that had locked onto us. “Is this the room?”

“Yeah. If you need anything let me know,” he said awkwardly.

“I think Titus is going to give us a tour tomorrow,” I told him.

“Oh,” he said immediately looking disappointed.

“Is there anything in particular that we should see?”

“The falls are cool,” he said smiling again.

“We’ll check them out.”

Cali didn’t leave.

“Anyway. Thanks for showing us to our room.”

“Yeah. I’m down the hall if you need anything.”

“Got it,” I said with a smile.

When he walked away, we entered and closed the door behind us.

“I think someone has a crush,” I said to Quin who looked at me amused.

“Yeah, he couldn’t stop looking at you.”


“Should I be?” Quin asked with a smile.

“You never have to worry about me wanting to be with anyone other than you,” I told him.

Quin smiled.

“Besides, I meant, I think he had a crush on you.”

“What?” Quin asked caught off guard.

“You didn’t see that? He was looking at me because every time he looked at you, he would blush.”


“Quin, how could you not see it? You’re the most observant person I’ve ever met.”

“I guess I don’t pick up on stuff like that,” he said as if realizing it for the first time.

“So, what do you think? Is it possible that my mother was from here?”

“I can’t tell yet. It’s possible.”

Falling into silence, we both turned our attention to the one queen-sized bed.