Page 168 of Second Chance Trouble

“Maybe we’ll check it out. But, we’re actually wondering about the town’s history. How long has this place been here?” Quin asked casually.

“The town? Since the 1920s. It started as a hub for moonshine running.”

“Really?” I asked intrigued.

“Yes, it’s all very interesting. But the person who could tell you more about it is Sonya. She’s the one who runs the B&B. She’s kind of the town’s unofficial historian. My husband also knows quite a bit, but Sonya is the one who enjoys talking about it. Tom can be a bit of a grump sometimes. You two married?”

It was only then that I let go of Quin. I don’t know why I did. It wasn’t like the idea of marriage scared me. And, it wasn’t like I wouldn’t consider spending my life with Quin. I guess I wasn’t ready to be asked something like that considering Quin and I were still just figuring things out.

“No,” I volunteered so Quin wouldn’t have to. “Just friends.”

“Good friends,” Quin added making me feel tingly.

“How did you two meet?”

“We attend East Tennessee University. He was a brilliant tutor. I was the dumb jock,” I said with a chuckle.

“Yep, my Tom is the brilliant one between us. He’s a doctor. I think it’s important to find someone out of your league,” he said giving me a wink.

I laughed. “Well, Quin here is definitely out of my league.”

“That’s not true,” Quin objected. “You’re out of my league. The star quarterback?”

“Not anymore,” I told our new friend as I pointed at my cast.

“Oh!” He said looking down at it. “I think we also have some crutches around here somewhere. If you need to use them, I’ll get them for you. You can just return them before you leave.”

“Wow! Thanks. I guess it is starting to hurt a little.”

“I’ll go get them,” he said quickly heading to the back of the store.

“He’s so friendly,” I told Quin.

“He really is. Do you think we should stay over?”

“I thought you were saying that we should get back.”

“I was just seeing what information he would volunteer. He is clearly trying to get us to stay.”

“Isn’t it cool that he thought we were together and he was still being so friendly?” I asked.

“I noticed that too. I didn’t expect to feel so welcomed in Tennessee.”

“Hold on there. There are a lot of welcoming people in Tennessee. You met me in Tennessee.”

“You know what I mean. East Tennessee isn’t exactly New York City.”

“You mean because the whiskey is so much better?”

“Yes, that was exactly what I meant.”

I looked at Quin surprised. “Is that sarcasm I detect?”

Quin looked at me as if I had caught him doing something wrong.

“No. Sarcasm works on you. It gives you a bit of an edge,” I said with a smile.

“So, you like bad boys?”