“Yeah. I mean, it was definitely something, just not… Let’s just say I’ve been given reasons to rethink things.”
“I see,” Quin asked not asking any more.
“What about you? Have you ever been in love?”
“I thought I was.”
“Really?” I asked surprised.
“He was a real prince.”
“He was a nice guy, huh?”
“No. I mean he was an actual prince. I don’t think he saw me that way, though. And he was a lot older than me.”
“How much older?” I asked not expecting to hear that.
“I don’t know.”
“No, tell me. Was he like, ten years older or something?”
“Probably closer to 15. But, he was a great guy. I thought we had a lot in common.”
“You thought you had a lot in common with a prince?”
“A few things.”
That was when I dropped the topic. If Quin thought he had a lot in common with a real-life prince, what did that say about the two of us? I was as far away from being a prince as you could get.
I grew up in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere raised by someone who probably kidnapped me and now I could barely afford to buy food. What type of shot did the two of us have to be together? I was starting to think that it wasn’t much of one.
“We’re getting close,” Quin said staring at the trees as they whipped by the window.
“How can you tell? Is that one of your superpowers?”
“No. The mile markers correspond with the addresses.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Not every state does it and not everywhere in the state is consistent.”
“There doesn’t seem to be much out here,” I said scanning the tree-lined empty road ahead.
“It’s close. Wait, turn there,” Quin said pointing at a path through the trees which could barely be considered a road.
I turned onto it and it wasn’t long until a two-story decaying facility came into view. It was off-white and looked like a school with its alternatingly protruding exterior. The many windows were boarded up and much of them were graffitied.
“Falls County Hospital,” Quin said reading the sign above the main entrance. “This is where he worked.”
“And, this might be where I was born.”
“It’s a possibility.”
“So, why are we here detective?”
“I don’t know. I figured if we were standing in front of it, we’d know what to do next.”
Quin and I got out of the truck and stared at the building.