Jesus, I wanted him. I wanted everything about him. But, I wanted the first time we were together to be somewhere special and meaningful. I didn’t want it to be an intermission from searching through records of kidnapped kids. And I didn’t want it to be at the scene of a crime.
“I really care about you,” I whispered, my lips right above his ear.
“I care about you too,” Quin told me before slowly loosening his grip.
Our release was gradual and painful. It took everything in me to peel off of him.
“If your mother’s still alive, we’ll find her. I promise,” he told me.
I believed him. If there was anyone in the world who could figure it out, it had to be him.
“Thank you,” I said struggling to take my eyes off of him. “I’ll warm up that pizza.”
“Thanks. I’ll get back to the search.”
We were both quiet for a while after that. I was quiet because my mind was spinning. I wasn’t sure why he was. But occasionally he would look at me and catch me staring at him. I didn’t know why I couldn’t hold his gaze.
I was a nervous teenager when I was around him. What was he doing to me? Whatever it was, I didn’t want him to stop.
I placed the sliced pizza on the table where he sat locked in on my phone. Smelling it, he looked up.
“You’re not in any of these,” he said disappointed.
“How could you be sure?”
“I can’t be completely. But you do have one distinguishing characteristic that should have been obvious even as an infant.”
“What could that be?”
“Your dimples,” Quin said with a smile. “You might not have had all of them. But chin dimples are pretty consistent throughout a person’s life.”
“You sure know a lot about dimples,” I said teasing him.
“I have a weakness,” he replied.
“No. You,” he said making my legs quiver.
“I don’t think you give yourself enough credit for your flirting skills.”
“I guess I needed the inspiration,” he said saying exactly the right thing to make me want to kiss him again.
“What do we do now?” I asked open to anything.
“I would suggest that we go to the hospital, but there’s a problem.”
“What’s that?”
“The hospital doesn’t exist.”
I looked at him confused. “So my father’s I.D. is fake?”
“I don’t think it is because the place used to exist. I can find records of it online. It just isn’t there anymore. I’ve checked maps. It doesn’t appear on any of them.”
“Can you find the address?”