Chapter 12
My heart sank. After less than an hour of investigation, Quin had figured out where I was born. I didn’t know what to think. On one hand, my skin prickled at the thought of what we would find if we dug deeper. On the other, Quin said that my mother might still be alive. What if she was?
“What do you think happened? How do you think I ended up living here with…,” I took the I.D. from Quin. “With this man?”
“It’s possible that your mother showed up to the hospital without I.D. and died giving birth,” Quin said.
“But, you don’t believe that,” I confirmed.
“Your father broke into houses and stole things of value. It would follow that he stole you too.”
“Why would he do that?”
“He saw you as something having value? I don’t know.”
“But, why me?”
“Cause you were the only one available, maybe. Perhaps he saw something in you and knew who you would turn out to be?”
“You think he saw that he could turn me into his NFL cash cow?”
“That’s ridiculous. I was a baby. How could he know that?”
“Maybe you weren’t a baby when he took you. Maybe you were older but too young to remember another life. I’m really just guessing here,” Quin admitted embarrassed.
“Then, how do we find out for sure?” I said pushing him to figure out more about where I came from.
Quin thought for a second and then turned back to me with a light in his eyes.
“There are a few things. The first is, we need to check to see if any children matching your age and description ever went missing.”
“What’s the second thing?”
“We need to find that hospital,” Quin said with an intensity that I had never seen him express.
The man I was watching put clues together was different than the insecure guy I dragged into the party the night we met, or the one playing flag football with ten-year-olds. He was attractive before, but now he was off the charts hot. God, was I in love with him. If I didn’t think that it would distract him from uncovering the secrets of my past, I would kiss him so hard.
Watching his incredible brain focus on me was a level of affection that made me feel seen in a way that throwing a pass never could. How would I ever be able to let him go? I didn’t even know if I could stand to watch him drive away from me for a night. I was head over heels for this guy and I never wanted to be apart from him again.
“My phone service is really bad here. Do you have a computer I can hop onto?”
“You don’t have a computer?”
“I always just used the one at school. The university has computer labs and so did my high school.”
Quin looked at me stunned.
“My father preferred to stay off the grid.”
“Considering what he did, I can understand why.”
“You can use my phone if you need to look something up. It’s slow but it gets online.”