Page 148 of Second Chance Trouble

“So, where do I wait for that?”

The woman held out her hand gesturing towards the seats in front of her desk.

“Okay. When do I check back?”

“Give it an hour.”

I was disappointed everything was going to take so long, but I knew it couldn’t be helped. The most important thing was that Cage was being taken care of. I was willing to wait here all night as long as that was happening.

I hadn’t needed this to realize how much I cared for him. The pain I felt thinking about what Cage had gone through was unbearable. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and never let him go.

Lou and I took a seat and waited as I was told. In an hour we checked back. Cage had been moved into a room on the third floor. She wasn’t sure I would be able to see him yet, but she allowed us to go up and check.

Getting off the elevator I saw a few familiar faces. Hovering in the hallway was Tasha and Cage’s father. Both turned and saw us. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do.

I continued towards them. As I got closer, Cage’s father headed towards me. There was something about the look on his face that confused me. He didn’t look like a person overcome by concern like I thought he would be. There was instead a look in his eyes that made my heart clench.

“You’re Cage’s friend, right? The tutor?” He said with his eyes locked on me.

“Yes, sir,” I told him getting a chill down my spine.

“Come here,” he told me gesturing for me to leave Lou.

I swallowed not liking where this was going. The ruddy, grizzly man was terrifying to look at. And when I finally approached him, he put his arms around my shoulder, gripped it like a vice, and pushed me into an empty room.

Before I knew what was happening, the man’s hefty body had pinned me against the wall. He was manhandling me. I couldn’t get away. With his hot, alcohol-laden breath flooding my ear, he said,

“I know what you are. I can tell. If you contact my boy again…” Cage’s father paused, pulled something out of his belt, and pushed its sharp point into my stomach. “…I’ll gut you like a hog. You hear me? You contact him, you text him, you reach out to him in any way, I’ll kill you, then I’ll kill your boyfriend out there. Then I’ll find your family and kill them too. You hear what I’m tellin’ you?”

I was in shock. I couldn’t move. When I didn’t respond, he pushed the blade harder into my stomach. It was cutting into me.

“I hear you,” I said terrified out of my mind.

“Good. Don’t let me see your face again. Get the fuck out of here,” he ordered before letting me go.

As soon as his grip loosened, I escaped his grasp and the room.

“What?” Lou said seeing me approach him with terror in my eyes.

“Let’s go!” I demanded grabbing his arm and pulling him to the elevator.

“What are you doing? We just got here.”

“Let’s go!” I insisted not daring to look back.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I was on it. Lou followed confused. I hit the lobby button continuously until the doors closed. Still not feeling safe, I leaned against the wall watching the floor’s numbers descend.

“Quin, you’re bleeding,” Lou said grabbing my attention.

He was pointing at a growing red spot on my shirt where Cage’s father had stabbed me. It didn’t hurt until I pulled up my shirt and saw it.

“It’s nothing. I’m alright.”

“What did he do to you?” Lou asked horrified.

“He didn’t do anything. Let’s just go.”
