“See you in class. And don’t worry, you won’t need luck for that one. You got it,” he said with a smile.
“Thanks… for everything,” I said hopelessly taken by him.
I watched him walk away. God, did his ass look good. He looked back a final time before disappearing into his building.
As I sat there, what I wanted became clear. I could no longer imagine a future without Quin in it. He had quickly become everything to me. What the hell was I supposed to do now?
Fortunately, I didn’t have time to think about it. If I didn’t get my ass to practice immediately, I was going to be late. Whatever I decided to do, it would probably affect my NFL prospects and I was going to need Coach’s help. So, the last thing I wanted was to be on his bad side.
“You’re late!”
“I’m sorry, Coach. I was up all night studying,” I said as I ran past him on my way to the locker to change.
He followed a step behind.
“Studying, huh? It’s funny how you’re doing it without a tutor. You better not be bullshitting me, Rucker. If you don’t pass that class, you’ll be suspended from the team. There won’t be anything I’ll be able to do about it.”
“I promise, I have a tutor. I keep telling him to register with you guys, but I don’t think he needs the money. I’ll pass the class, though. He’s pretty incredible. He has me ready.”
“You better be.”
“Coach. I’m ready.”
“Huh,” he huffed looking at me suspiciously.
I couldn’t tell what Coach was thinking or what it would mean, so I put it out of my mind by giving it all I had in practice. I was on the verge of puking by the end.
“I gotta go, Coach. I gotta take my exam,” I told him staring at the giant clock at the far end of the stadium.
“Take it and get back here! We have more plays to go over.”
“Got it, Coach.”
I took off my helmet and upper pads before running across campus. Unlike the first time I did it, I was there at the beginning of class. There were no open seats left near Quin so I took one up front.
“Good luck, Mr. Rucker,” the professor said as she handed me the exam.
“Thanks,” I said before looking back for the only encouragement I cared about.
Quin smiled at me and mouthed, “You have this.”
I mouthed, “Thanks,” back.
It turned out that Quin had been right. I had never taken an easier exam in my life. I didn’t pretend it had to do with anything other than Quin’s preparation. It was like he knew what was going to be on the exam. The guy was incredible.
It did worry me a little that I was the first person to turn in my paper. I handed mine in before Quin did. There was no way that could be right. I probably hadn’t gone over my answers enough times. But that couldn’t be helped. I had to get back to practice.
Handing it in, the professor gave me a surprised look. I wasn’t about to do anything that would indicate that I found it easy. I knew that would be tempting fate.
But I did make eye contact with Quin on the way out. I gave him a cocky look telling him it had been a breeze. He stopped himself from chuckling and then returned to his exam.
Leaving the room, I considered waiting for him. He couldn’t be too far behind me. But, I had told Coach that I would head back as soon as I was done. Also, I didn’t want to be the douchebag hanging out in the hallway in his football gear and cleats.
Running back across campus I got there in time for the film section. There was a lot to go over. From there, the team had another walk-through of plays. Coach was preparing us like Quin had prepared me for the exam. So, by the time I got back to the locker room, I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was go home.
Turning on my phone, I found a message from Quin.