“You’re, like, an amazing guy. You deserve to be with someone who will make you happy. If Lou could do that, then why not?”
I looked at Cage as pain shot through my chest. He was trying to hand me off to someone else. I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to feel jealous that someone else would want to be with me.
But, he didn’t. I was a fool to entertain the thought of the two of us together. He didn’t like me like that, and it hurt.
Chapter 6
What was I saying? I didn’t want Quin to be with Lou. I didn’t want Quin to be with anyone. Hell, I didn’t know what I wanted, whether it had to do with Quin, or football, or anything. I was the last person who should give someone relationship advice. All you had to do was spend two minutes with Tasha and me to know that.
“We should get back to the game,” Quin told me looking a lot sadder than when we sat down.
I was ruining things with him. I thought this would be something fun we could do together, but I was turning it all wrong.
“Yeah. We should probably get back,” I repeated willing to do anything to stop myself from talking.
Returning to the game, I made sure that the kids had a great time even if the person I most wanted to didn’t.
“Are we playing again next weekend?” One of the kids asked me with her mother standing behind her.
“I have a game next weekend. I think you do too, don’t you?” I asked looking up at her mother.
She shook her head.
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” the little girl said with a smile.
“I’ll let your coach know. It should be in a few weeks.”
“Okay, thanks, Cage,” she said waving bye.
Her mother mouthed ‘Thank you,’ and the two walked off.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t love you?” Quin asked turning me around.
“All I care about is one,” I said without thinking.
“Who’s that?”
I had meant it to be something casual and flirty. Of course, Quin would call me on it.
“Just anyone?”
“I meant, I would be happy as long as I had someone to love me.”
“And, you have that don’t you?”
“Do I?” I asked wondering who he was talking about.
“Yes. Tasha.”
This had to stop. Every time Quin brought up Tasha, he made me say something about our relationship which wasn’t necessarily the case. Yes, she and I were together and we were trying to make it work. But, trying to make it work, and succeeding at it, weren’t the same thing.
“Tasha and I aren’t what everyone sees us as.”
“Oh,” Quin said suddenly giving me his full attention.