“Yeah, I should go.”
“Don’t let me stop you,” Lou said. “You won’t even know I’m here.”
“Or, we could just go to my room,” I suggested.
“No!” he said abruptly. “I mean, maybe we can pick it back up tomorrow. There are a lot of things swirling around up here and I need to process it all,” he said circling his hands around his head.
“Oh, yeah. Sleeping helps you retain information. Tomorrow, then. If you want to start earlier, my last class ends at four.”
“That sounds great. How about we meet at the study hall next time? That way we don’t disturb Lou.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about me. You two can do it wherever you’d like,” Lou added as he stood watching the two of us.
“Yes, we could study here,” I confirmed.
Cage fumbled his words. “I think study hall would be better. I mean, if it’s okay with you.”
I was disappointed that I had screwed things up so badly that he didn’t want to come back to my room, but I understood.
“No, that’s fine. We’ll be covering the rest of the material, so you might want to bring some snacks.”
Lou added, “Knowing Quin, it will be a long, hard session. Very long… if you know what I mea…”
“…Alright, I’m gonna go. Text me,” Cage said before escaping, glancing at Lou as he did.
“What was that all about? It’s going to be a long, hard session?” I asked Lou pissed.
“Very long,” he said with a smirk.
“What were you doing?”
“You said he has a girlfriend?”
“Yes. He has a girlfriend!”
“Very interesting,” he said smirking at me like he knew everything and I knew nothing. “Very… interesting,” he continued before slipping into his bedroom and not returning.
I didn’t get much sleep that night. If I wasn’t trying to figure out what Lou was seeing that I wasn’t, I was thinking about how I had made things weird with Cage, or what it would be like to see his naked body again.
I was a complete mess. That man did things to me. And after only the third time seeing him, I couldn’t get him out of my mind.
Why did he have to have a girlfriend? Why did he have to be so perfect? And, why did he have those dimples? Someone explain to me why he had to have so many adorable dimples.
The next day at study hall was less weird than the night before. For the most part, we stuck to the course material and only veered away when we took our dinner break.
“I brought an extra sandwich if you want one?” I told him pulling it from my bag.
“You brought an extra sandwich?” He asked more surprised than I could have guessed.
“Yes. Do you want it? I figured you would have a lot swirling around up there and might not remember to bring something.”
“Wow! I’m not used to people being so thoughtful.”
“What? Come on. You’re a famous football player. You must have people doing things for you all of the time.”
“It’s not the same,” he said taking the sandwich. “Thank you, by the way. Yeah, there’s a difference between someone doing something for you because they’re getting something from you, and someone doing something just to be nice.”
“I get that. There are a lot of people who can see you as a stepping stone on their path to getting what they want. You’re just an object to them. They forget that you have feelings too. And, maybe your desires don’t line up with everyone’s expectations for you.”