“This is about the straight boy, isn’t it?”
I winced.
“Yes. But, he is also the best quarterback you will ever see.”
“This hardly sounds like something for me. It sounds a lot like something you want me to do for you,” Jason warned.
“It’s not. Well, it kind of is. But not because I’m going to get something out of it. This guy really is the best quarterback I have ever seen in my life. He’s the reason my father got the job with the Cougars.”
“Wait, is this the guy you would talk about from your university team? The one who would do the trick plays?”
“The trick plays that led to three national titles.”
“Merri, they were Division II titles. Me and the bench at Harvard could win one,” he said dismissively.
“Okay, but he won all the games in front of him. That’s all you can do, right? Beat the teams you’re playing? And he did. Think about what he could have done if he played in Division One.”
“And why wasn’t he in Division One?”
“Because his freshman year was the first time he ever played quarterback.”
“Yeah. He tried out for the team as a walk-on and didn’t think to try out for quarterback. He only did because, well, I forced him to.”
“What are his stats?”
“Through the roof.”
“No, Merri. I need his actual stats.”
“If I get them to you, and you like them, would you consider including him in your pre-season player showcase?”
“The showcase is only for college students who weren’t drafted,” Jason said.
“But you help organize it. You could make an exception.”
“Merri, why are you doing this?”
“Why am I giving you the opportunity of a lifetime?” I said, entering pure salesman mode.
“Come on, Merri, I’m serious.”
I paused.
“It’s because I want to do something that helps him and not just me. Claude was my best friend. He was good to me, and I wasn’t always good to him. But he is talented and deserves to have a shot at his dream. If I can do that for him, maybe it will make up for when I wasn’t so good.”
“So, this would still be for you?”
“As much as it is for you. Let’s be real, if you find the player no one else could, and he blows up, yours will become the scouting agency the teams rely on. This could benefit all of us. But, I’m doing this for him.”
Jason was silent on the other end of the phone. I was thinking that I had lost him until he said,
“Send me his stats. If they’re anything like you’re claiming…”
“They are.”
“Then I’ll see what I can do.”