“What did you do with Hil?” I said, intentionally not giving him a chance to reply. “Tell me what you did with him,” I demanded.
“Stop!” the guy on the couch implored. “Don’t hurt him. Stop!”
Nothing was going to stop me from pounding him into oblivion. As I did, something clicked. I recognized him. It was the guy who had stolen Hil from me back in Snow Tip Falls. So, I had a new reason to pummel the life out of him. Nothing was going to stop me now. He was going to be a bloody mess by the time I was done.
That was when something unexpected happened. The guy who was bleeding on the couch, threw himself at me. What was he doing? Was I going to have to fight the both of them?
It didn’t matter. Whatever it took. Throwing the smaller guy off of me, I saw something change in the big guy’s eyes. There was rage. I had awoken the devil.
While I was off balance, he pulled from under me. Suddenly it was a fair fight. When he grabbed my throat and threw himself on me, I worked my knee between us and punted him off. Rising to his feet, he stumbled back. Climbing to my knees, I looked at him like I was about to devour him.
With nothing but darkness in my eyes, I rushed towards him, only to be halted by the outstretched arms of the smaller guy.
“Cali, stop! This is Hil’s brother. Hil wouldn’t want you two fighting,” he said screaming at me loud enough for it to sink in.
That’s right. Hil had said that the person who had taken him had been his brother. That’s who this man was. Catching myself, I looked around for Hil.
“Where is he?” I growled.
“Because of you, someone took him,” the man growled back.
I didn’t like the guy in front of me. I didn’t like the way he looked. I didn’t like what he said. But, the smaller guy was right. Hil wouldn’t want me fighting with him. And that was the last thing I should be doing if something had happened to the man I loved.
Stepping back like a tamed wolf, I stared at Hil’s brother, waiting for him to make a move. Although he stared back, he didn’t challenge me. As the fire between us burned out, I released my balled-up fists and straightened my back.
“What do you mean he was taken because of me?” I asked as his words sunk in.
“If the asshole wasn’t stupid enough to meet some hillbilly and try to run off with him, he would be at home safe right now.”
“I don’t care who you are, don’t you ever talk about Hil like that. You hear me?” I said, ready to shoot across the room and finish what I started.
“Seriously, Cali, calm down. Everyone here wants the same thing. We just want to find him and make sure he’s safe,” the little one said.
I looked over at him.
“Are you Dillon?”
“Yeah. And this is his brother Remy. And you’re the guy that he was going to leave us for. Now that we’ve established who everyone is, how about we stop waving our dicks around and get to helping the person we all care about?”
As much as I didn’t like the way he said it, Dillon was probably right. If something had happened to Hil, I wouldn’t know the first place to start. Nashville was the largest city I’d ever been in. It was no New York.
“What do we do?” I said, ready to do whatever I had to.
“I can tell you what you can do,” Hil’s brother said, glaring at me. “You can get back into your truck and drive back to whatever pumpkin patch you climbed out of,” he said imitating my accent.
“Not gonna happen,” I told him making sure he knew that they weren’t going anywhere without me.
“Oh yeah?” he said, taking a step towards me.
“You heard me,” I said readying myself for another fight.
“For God’s sake! Can you both just put it back in your pants?” Dillon said, calming things. “Look, Remy, like it or not, this is the guy that Hil loves. He’s told me everything about him, and from what I hear, Hil will never do better. He’s seriously not going to leave without getting Hil back.”
He then turned to me. “And you Mr. I run in without first asking questions, this is Hil’s brother, Remy. You really don’t want to mess with him.”
“Seriously! You do not know who you’re dealing with. So why don’t we all just sit down and figure this out. The longer you two bicker, the more likely it is that we don’t get him back alive.”