Page 521 of Second Chance Trouble

“How?” I asked praying that it was real.

“Are you asking me about my plan?”

“Yeah,” I said hesitantly.

“It is all moving too fast to explain. But, trust me, I want out of this life as much as you do. But the only shot we have of getting out relies on you shutting down whatever it is you had going on and telling me what happened.”

I didn’t move in fear that it would prevent his dream from coming true. More so than guys or anything else, that was what I laid in bed fantasizing about. Remy knew this. Was he just telling me what I wanted to hear to get what he wanted? And what did he mean by me shutting down whatever I had going on?

Damn him, he knew me too well.

“If you’re lying…” I said with building anger.

“I’m not. There is a plan. But it’s going to take everyone in this family agreeing to it for it to work. So, tell me, what are you hiding?”

He had me. He had made the stakes too high.

“I think someone made two attempts on my life?”

“What!” Remy said flying into a rage.

“A few weeks ago, I let a friend drive the car I took and someone ran it off a mountain road.”

“I can’t believe this. How is the person who was driving your car?”

“They need surgery, but it seems they’ll be all right.”

“I’ll make arrangements to take care of their bills.”

“No need. I already have.”

“Please tell me you didn’t,” Remy said, about to panic.

“Don’t worry. I gave them cash. It was what I had on me from my trip. I’m pretty sure it’ll cover everything.”

“Okay,” Remy said relaxing. “And the second attempt?”

“Well, like I said, because of the accident, the car ended up stuck on the side of a mountain. I needed the cash inside of it to pay for the surgery. But, when I opened the trunk, there was a bomb in it. It exploded.”

Remy looked at me suspiciously.

“And was everyone all right?”

“Yeah. It seems like the person who put it there wasn’t very good at make triggers,” I joked.

Remy stared at me stone faced until he laughed.

“My brother, living every day thanks to the incompetence of others.”

“You know what father says, always count on people to be idiots,” I said with a smile.

“You should not be betting your life on it, Hil. You got lucky, twice. You’re not a cat. You don’t have that many lives. You’re going to need to put an end to things with whoever that was chases us as we pulled off.”

“I’m not going to do that, Remy,” I informed him.

“You are. If there really was someone trying to kill you and they knew where you were and how to get to you, how safe do you think your friends are in that small town? You can’t give your assassin a reason to think that you might be back. Hil, it’s the safest thing for everyone involved, especially you,” he said, trying to sound reasonable.

I couldn’t count the number of times I had laid in bed wondering how much danger I had put Cali in. I knew that what I was doing was unfair to him. I couldn’t deny it. But, how could I not be with a man like that? He loved me. I loved him. But, did loving him mean that I would have to let him go? It was too painful to think about.