Page 484 of Second Chance Trouble

Everyone laughed.

“You got me,” Titus said leaning back.

“But he’s my moron,” Lou said, throwing his arms around Titus and giving him a kiss.

“Is it always like this?” I whispered to Cali.

“Mostly. But they are in rare form tonight.”

“I like it,” I said, slowly realizing what I had been missing. “Thank you for bringing me,” I said, squeezing his hand. Cali replied with a tight-lipped smile and a nod.

After a game called Wavelength, we decided to play Scrabble in teams. With Claude partnering with Kendall, it started out as a match of couples. But when Quin and Cage pulled into a lead that we had no chance of catching, the other three teams worked together to give the rest of us a chance. Quin still wiped the floor with us.

“Do you see what I mean?” Titus asked in affable defeat.

It was a fun night. Eventually when it ended, I drove us back to the bed-and-breakfast and Cali walked me to my door.

“Thank you for one of the best nights of my life,” I said, standing in the doorway inches from him.

“I’m glad you had fun. They are great friends to have. If you stick around, you can call them up at any time.”

“If I stick around?”

“Yeah. You know, if you want to.”

“Do you want me to?”

Cali didn’t answer, but the look on his face sent and tingle down to my sex. I could feel his body heat envelop me. It was intoxicating.

Standing as close to him as I was, I could barely control myself. He had to be the most gorgeous guy I’d ever met in my life. So when he pushed his thick fingers through my hair, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled my lips to his, my knees wobbled.

I hadn’t imagined a kiss could feel like this. I was lightheaded. I was more aroused than I had ever been in my life. Not wanting it to end, I wrapped my arms around him exploring the rippling muscles on his back. He was a god, and I worshipped him. So when he released me and I returned to earth, I was awestruck and hurting for more.

“Goodnight,” he said as the back of his hand traveled down my neck and chest. I was hoping it would reach my cock. It didn’t. Mourning the loss of his touch, I ached.

“Goodnight,” I said, eventually forcing it out.

Watching him walk to his room, I prayed he wouldn’t go. He looked back. I could read his thoughts. He was considering joining me in my room.

I wanted so badly for him to do it. But, painfully, he didn’t. Gently closing the door behind him after entering his room, he was gone. I burned for him.

Chapter 8


As I sat waiting for my mother’s doctor, I couldn’t stop thinking about our kiss. To feel Hil in my arms was like waking up from a bad dream. The endless waves of pain that I felt after losing Tim had calmed. For the first time in years, the storm clouds had lifted. I could see in vivid color and Hil was a ball of light.

I needed to be near him. I wanted to spend every second holding his hand. And when darkness fell, I wanted to strip him naked and to make him mine.

Feeling my cock grow hard thinking about it, I burned for his body. I wanted to hold his small wrists in my hands, pin them over his head, slide my knees under his legs, and push my cock into him. I was drunk just thinking about it.

I also wanted to do everything I could to make him happy. He was everything I ever wanted in a guy. And I was ready to make his happiness my purpose in life.

“Cali?” My mother’s snowy topped, dark-skinned doctor said, grabbing my attention.

“Dr. Tom?” I said, standing up and immediately realizing that I shouldn’t have.

“I have some good news and I have some news that isn’t quite as good,” he began in a solemn tone. “The good news is that there is no need for her to remain in the hospital. There’s nothing that we could do here that couldn’t also be done for her at home.”