Page 453 of Second Chance Trouble

“Impressive,” Sey whispered grabbing my attention. “I guess I won’t be marrying into a wealthy family, I’ll be marrying one of the richest guys in Tennessee,” he said with a slimy smirk.

I was about to reply when I turned back to the audience.

“I’m so sorry. I almost forgot. There are a couple of others I wanted to thank.”

I turned back to Sey with a smile. His smile quickly faded.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet Heston Parker. He’s a friend of the Charleston family. I invited him to be here today. Thank you for coming.

“Interestingly enough, it’s Mr. Parker’s job to approve towns that have applied for incorporation. You see, recently Titus, a very good friend of mine, applied for his town to be incorporated. But Mr. Parker had to put the petition on hold.”

I turned to Heston Parker. Having seen what I had just done to my parents, his face turned 50 shades of red.

“It seems he had some question as to whether the signatures on the petition were real. I imagine signatures are faked a lot. But luckily, to help clear things up, I invited the entire town of Snow Tip Falls to the wedding. Titus can you show them all in,” I said turning to my love.

Titus beamed watching me. When our eyes met, he put his fingers to his lips and blew. That was when an endless stream of people crossed from the other side of the house into the backyard.

“I also invited a notary public to verify that each and everyone one of these 1500 people is from Snow Tip Falls and is indeed a real person. So, you see Mr. Parker, you no longer have a reason to doubt the legitimacy of Snow Tip Falls’s petition. And the only reason you would have to deny their petition now might be considered fraud. I’m sure there’s no need to remind you what happens with that.”

A hand gripped my bicep. It was tight. Wincing, I turned around finding Sey’s bubbling anger.

“If you think this somehow gets you out of marrying me, you are sadly mistaken. Do you hear me? Nothing’s going to stop this from happening. Nothing!”

“Get your hands off my man!” Titus shouted from the end of the aisle.

Titus was furious. I had never seen him so mad. Startled, Sey let me go. That wasn’t enough to stop Titus, though. Like a defensive back finding the pocket, he charged down the aisle with his sights set.

Sey couldn’t get out of the way fast enough. Nor could he react. In a flash, Titus’s shoulder connected with Sey’s stomach. Folding over Titus’s back, Titus picked him up. Carrying him through the flowers and the projection screen, he found the pool and flung him in.

“And never, ever, touch my man again,” Titus yelled as Sey floundered trying to catch his breath.

It was done. I was free. With the never-ending stream of Snow Tip Falls residents confirming their identity, the state would have no choice but to incorporate the town. So any threat Sey made about getting a highway planned through it, would be void.

The only thing we wouldn’t be able to stop would be if Sey took Titus’s grant from him. But, what did that matter? I had my inheritance and Titus had helped me get it. The least I could do would be to pay for his tuition. The most I could do was to love this incredible, gorgeous man for the rest of my life.

Realizing where I was, I turned back to the gathering crowd.

“Oh, and if you didn’t already realize it, I’m calling off the wedding. There’s a man I love so much more. Let me introduce you to him.”

I gestured for Titus to join me at the altar. He came. When he did, I hung my arms around his neck.

“I would like to introduce everyone to Titus, my lover, my best friend, and the man I hope to marry someday.”

The crowd applauded. Losing myself in his eyes, I spoke just to him.

“So, what do you think? You think you can stand spending the rest of your life with someone like me?”

Titus smiled, pulled me tight, and said, “Lou, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And when we do, I know that we will live it happily ever after.”

He then pulled me to his lips. We kissed.

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Grumpy Boss Trouble

Book 4