Page 435 of Second Chance Trouble

When the time came I returned to the side street and parked my truck. I pulled as far into the trees as I could get. Although anyone who went looking for it would see it, people driving by wouldn’t.

After that, I jogged to the grounds I remembered so well. It helped that the place was lit up like a Christmas tree. Seeing where I was going made it easy to navigate. But having to run from shadow to shadow definitely exposed me more than what was safe.

What would Lou’s father do if he saw a stranger running across their lawn? He seemed like a, shot-first, ask questions later, type of guy. And if he wasn’t, Lou’s brother was.

With my heart beating in my throat, I readied myself and ran from one pool of shadows to the other. Lou had said that this would be the time they were eating dinner. He said he would make sure that all of them were there.

That made me feel better, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t be spotted by someone who worked for them. If they thought I was a burglar crazy enough to break in while everyone was home, they would probably try to stop me.

Sweat dripped from me as I got closer to the side door Lou had unlocked. And when I got there without hearing an alarm or gunshot, I knew my real challenge would begin.

Opening the door, I entered the guest bedroom and made my way to the hall. I had to stay low. On the opposite side of the house was the dining room. The only thing between us was a short divider and the spiral staircase that was aligned with the front door.

Depending on where I stood, the person seated at the head of the table could see me. Yet, I had to get from the guest bedroom to the stairs and up it with nothing but railing pedestals to hide me. It seemed impossible.

“My father will sit there,” Lou had told me. “His eyesight isn’t very good and he refuses to wear his glasses. So as long as he’s not staring at Martha, he probably won’t notice you over her shoulder.”

Lou also promised to create a distraction. The bad part was that he couldn’t say what the distraction would be. I just had to make sure I was in place when I should be and wait for it.

“I’m tired of you guys!” Lou shouted from the dining room.

“Sit down, Louis,” his mother yelled.

“It’s my wedding!” he screamed. “You hear me. It’s my wedding. I may as well go upstairs right now considering how much of it you’re letting me plan. I may as well go upstairs right now!”

I smiled hearing Lou’s cue. With my head down, I peeked into the other room. Exiting the hallway, I could see Lou throwing a fit at the dinner table. All eyes were on him. That was my guy. And knowing I would have the time I needed, I ran up the stairs circling them until I reached the third floor.

Finding the door to his room, I locked myself in. I had done it. My heart was beating a mile a minute. It was such a rush. If I had Lou in front of me, I would toss him onto the bed and make love to him.

Getting here was more exhilarating than a football game. The only thing I could do to come down from it was to throw myself onto his bed. The sheets smelt like Lou. It didn’t help how much I wanted to fuck him.

By the time I heard a knock, I had come down from my high. I hurried out of bed and approached the door. A step away, the floor creaked. I couldn’t breathe.

“It’s me, Titus. Let me in.”

Recognizing Lou’s delicate whisper, I unlocked the door and stepped back. He slipped in carrying a plate of food. When he was past the door, he locked it behind him.

“I brought you some food. I told them I was going to eat my dinner in my room,” Lou said with a laugh.

“I heard you in there. You really care about planning your wedding,” I joked.

Lou smiled.

“What got them was that yesterday I yelled at them about how much I didn’t care what they planned. They have to think I’m losing my mind.”

“Well, they’re forcing you to get married. I think you’re allowed,” I said with a chuckle.

He didn’t think it was as funny as I did. I could see the pain of it wash through him.

“Titus, what do I do? I really don’t want to go through with it. I can’t marry him. I can’t be someone’s armpiece for the rest of my life.”

I held his shoulders looking into his eyes.

“I won’t let that happen, Lou. If we have to, we’ll run away together. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”

“And I can’t let anyone hurt you,” Lou said sincerely.

“Then I guess we’re gonna have to find this clue to protect each other.”